ITCS 3181 Logic and Computer Systems Fall 2014 Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Woodward 106 With ITCS 3181L Computer Systems Lab and Recitation Tues or Thurs 8 am - 10:45 am Woodward 140 Instructors Drs. M. Taghi Mostafavi and Barry Wilkinson © 2014 B. Wilkinson Modification date: July 20, 2014 outline.1 1 1
Outline These slides constitute the course outline and include the course syllabus and course policies.
Part 1 Intro to Computer and Digital Logic (Dr. Mostafavi) Combinational logic design and structure Sequential Network Intro to computer system Micro-architecture (CPU) Memory/Micro-program Part 2 Continuation of Processor Design and Computer Architecture (Dr. Wilkinson) Machine instruction design and assembly language Pipelined processor design Cache memory I/O interface (if there is time)
ITCS 3181L Computer Systems Lab and Recitation Tues or Thurs 8 am - 10:45 am Woodward 140 A required lab is associated with this course in which guided exercises are done to support and extend the lecture materials. Includes some short presentations. Special software installed on lab computers will be used that enables logic circuits to be simulated. Also software to emulate assembly language programs
ITCS 3181L Tentative Schedule (which may change under circumstances) Lab 1 Combinational circuits Lab 2 Logic components Lab 3 Sequential circuits Lab 4 Microprogram design Lab 5 Carry Look ahead adder Lab 6 ALU design Lab 7 Assembly language programming Lab 8 Assembly language programming Lab 9 Multiplier design Lab 10 Pipeline design Some assignments done individually. Most are done in teams.
Course Prerequisites ITCS 2215 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms) and ITCS 2175 (Logic and Algorithms). Co-requisite: ITCS 3181L Computer Systems Lab and Recitation
Course Text STRUCTURED COMPUTER ORGANIZATION 6th Edition, by A. S. TANENBAUM ISBN: 9780132916523 Publication Date: 08/08/2012 Part 2 of the course will also use provided on-line slides.
Home Pages Moodle will be used for lab materials For part 2 slides:
Assessment Midterm exam and quiz* 25% Lab Assignments/homework 40% Final exam and two quizzes** 35% * Mid term is worth 25% but if quiz 1 has a higher score (%), the mid term is worth 20% and quiz 1 is 5% ** Final exam is worth 35% but if quiz 2 or/and quiz 3 has a higher scores (%), those scores are used for 5% each. (Final then worth 25% or 30%) The assessment and percentages may be modified. Read small print Final exam date: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm, Tuesday Dec 9th, 2014
Course Grade Undergraduate Grade Scale A 90 - 100 B 80 - 89.99 F 0 - 59.99 Some curving is possible, depending upon course averages. A student with an average score should expect an average grade.
Code of Student Academic Integrity All submitted assignments must be your own work. Copied work or work done by more than one person (unless specifically instructed) will not be accepted - at the very minimum, zero credit - and may be subject to disciplinary action. The Code of Student Academic Integrity applies to both lab assignments and quizzes/tests.
Due dates for lab assignments/homeworks Firm Late assignments not accepted without a very good reason (e.g. medical).
Attendance Attendance is expected in both lectures and labs. Lab attendance is REQUIRED to receive any credit for the particular lab. It will be recorded. If you miss classes, it can have a deleterious effect on your grade If you must miss class, see the instructors beforehand to avoid losing marks. Attendance will be checked especially for border-line between final course grades. Good attendance will encourage moving up grades.
Mid-Term Unsatisfactory Grades UNC-Charlotte requires midterm unsatisfactory grades to be submitted by the end of the 8th week of class. Mid term grades Undergraduates: Satisfactory or D or F will be based upon all work graded by week 7.
Instructor details M. Taghi Mostafavi Office Hours: Tues/Thurs ?? Email: Barry Wilkinson Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 9:30 am to 10:30 am Email: Home page: outline.15 15
Teaching Assistants Tuesday Lab Soroush R Razmyar Email: Thursday Lab Xiaoyu Wang Email: outline.16 16