Type A Type B Type AB Type O Blood Types You are either blood type A, B, AB or O. But did you know that your blood type is determined by microscopic antigens found on your red blood cells?
O + 38% All Blood Types O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O- O - 7% B + 9% B+, AB+ Percent of Population with your Blood Type Patients who can receive your platelets Patients who can receive your Red Blood Cells Patients who can receive your Plasma O + 38% All Blood Types O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O- O - 7% B + 9% B+, AB+ B+, B-, O+, O- B - 2% B+, B-, AB+, AB- A + 34% A+, AB+ A+, A-, O+, O- A - 6% A+, A-, AB+, AB-
Universal Donor Universal Recipient Type O- universal donor Type AB- universal recipients
BLOOD GROUPS AND TRANSFUSIONS 1. Correctly complete the following table concerning the ABO blood groups. Blood type Agglutininogens or antigens Agglutinins or antibodies in plasma Can donate blood to type Can receive blood from type 1. Type A A anti - B A, AB A, O 2. Type B B anti-A B, AB B, O 3. Type AB AB none A, B, AB, O 4. Type O anti - A, anti - B O 2. What type is the universal donor? ____TYPE O____ 3. The universal recipient?___TYPE AB____ 4. When a person is given a transfusion of mismatched blood, a transfusion reaction occurs. Define the term transfusion reaction: in the blanks below. ____a reaction during which plasma antibodies attach____ ___to and lyse red blood cells different from your own___
Blood Typing Antibody- proteins made by lymphocytes in plasma which are made in response to the presence of antigens. They attack foreign antigens, which result in clumping (agglutination) Your immune system recognizes foreign particles that are not normally in your body as antigens. If an antigen is present, it stimulates your immune system to release antibodies to provide immunity against the specific antigen. There are genetically determined proteins found on the plasma membrane of your red blood cells. These special proteins are antigens - and what we refer to as red blood cell antigens. Antigen- protein on the surface of a RBC membrane
Agglutination Your body tolerates your own red blood cell antigens, but if your blood were to be transfused into another person with different red blood cell antigens, that person would have some big problems. That other person's antibodies would recognize the transfused red blood cells as foreign and bind to them. If this occurs, it leads to a process called agglutination, where the red blood cells clump together and interfere with blood circulation due to the fact that this clump of cells can clog up small blood vessels in the body. Transfusion reaction: a reaction during which plasma antibodies attach to and lyse (rupture) red blood cells other than your own.
The ABO blood group system is a classification system for blood that depends on the presence or absence of an A or B antigen on the red blood cells. ABO blood groups are determined by the types of antigens you inherited from mom and dad, specifically, type A or type B.
agglutinates with both sera) Blood being tested Serum Anti-A Anti-B Type AB (contains agglutinogens A and B; agglutinates with both sera) RBCs Type A (contains agglutinogen A; agglutinates with anti-A) Type B (contains agglutinogen B; agglutinates with anti-B) Type O (contains no agglutinogens; does not agglutinate with either serum) Figure 17.16
ABO Blood Types b b Produces anti-B antibodies b Type A b b b b b
ABO Blood Types a a a Produces anti-A antibodies a Type B a a a a a a
ABO Blood Types Produces neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies Type AB
Type O ABO Blood Types Produces both anti-A and anti-B antibodies b a
Rh Factor Rh factor: The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people who have the Rh factor are Rh+ positive. Those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh-negative. Rh+ 85% dominant in pop Rh- 15% recessive
Rh Factor and Pregnancy RH+ indicates protein RH+ indicates protein RH- indicates no protein
Rh Factor and Pregnancy Rh+ mother w/Rh- baby– no problem Rh- mother w/Rh+ baby– problem Rh- mother w/Rh- father– no problem Rh- mother w/Rh- baby-- no problem RhoGAM used @ 28 weeks