LCIF Coordinator Seminar LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION LCIF Coordinator Seminar Lions Clubs International Convention, Toronto, Canada July 6, 2014
LCIF Coordinator Seminar 12/03/2010 LCIF Coordinator Seminar Clement Kusiak Past International President LCIF Steering Committee Member Welcome and Opening Remarks Welcome to the LCIF Coordinator session at the LCI Toronto Convention. It is great to have you all here and I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your dedication and support of LCIF. Over the past year, Lions and our Foundation have accomplished great things.
Coordinator Seminar Agenda LCIF Worldwide Update 2013-2014 Lions’ Life-Changing Global Philanthropy Progress Report on Global Funds Raised Ambassadors of Humanitarian Service: LCIF Coordinators Growing Support for LCIF Strategies that Work Looking Ahead: 2014-2015 Today we want to share with you what Lions and our Foundation have accomplished during the past year including an update on grants and fundraising. We will then go over the LCIF priorities for 2014-2015 which includes training for LCIF coordinators, increasing club participation rates and also promoting the One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative.
Four Pillars of Service Serves Youth Provides Disaster Relief Meets Humanitarian Needs Saves Sight The Foundation’s four pillars of service include serving youth, providing disaster relief, meeting humanitarian needs, and saving sight. Each year, millions of people around the world benefit from a project funded by LCIF. Over the past fiscal year, LCIF has awarded grants to expand Lions Quest in several districts in Japan, emergency assistance grants in Indiana and Illinois following tornadoes in November, grants to support medical and dental missions to the Philippines, and the expansion of blind and low vision services in Texas. Our projects throughout the world change lives. The results of what Lions and LCIF can do together is incredible.
Four Pillars of Service Serves Youth Meets Humanitarian Needs 13 million youth impacted by Lions Quest Lions Quest is present in 85 countries More than 114 million children will receive life saving measles vaccinations It is important to know what our four areas of service are, but it’s even more important to know our impact and tell our story to Lions and others around the world. LionsQuest, LCIF’s social and emotional learning program for youth, has impacted 13 million youth around the world. In one school district in West Virginia, Lions Quest is in 20 schools serving nearly 5,000 students. These students are being taught essential life skills that support positive character development. Lions and LCIF are committed to making measles history. 335 children die each day from measles. Through the One Shot, One Life Initiative, Lions have committed to raising US$30 million towards the fight against measles by our 100th anniversary in 2017. Through our joint efforts with GAVI and other partners, we will help immunize more than 114 million children and increase access to quality immunization services to benefit children throughout the world.
Four Pillars of Service Provides Disaster Relief Saves Sight Over US$100 million provided for disaster relief Over 5,800 individuals will receive new low vision services through Lions LOVRNET This past November when Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, Lions around the world quickly responded by donating to LCIF’s disaster relief program to help support our fellow Lions and their community. Lions raised more than US$ 5 million dollars for disaster relief to support the Philippines and other disasters throughout the world. Over the past 10 years, LCIF has provided more than US$100 million for disaster relief. Just last month, I attend the Lions Low Vision Rehabilitation Network kick-off event in MD 22 which encompasses the District of Columbia, Maryland and Delaware. This project funded by a LCIF SightFirst grant will link 14 eye care institutions and practices into a 3 state low vision network. New low vision services will be provided to over 5,800 individuals and 65 local vision professionals will receive continuing education. Lions and LCIF make a difference every day.
Lions’ Life-Changing Global Philanthropy Why should Lions support LCIF? Many Lions want to give their support locally in their communities, which is understandable. But every community is next door to another community that needs Lions help and we should always reach out to those communities most in need. Just as we hope that if we were in need, someone would reach out to us, we should do the same. LCIF is helping Lions around the world to push their funding further, to help more people.
LCIF Coordinator Seminar 12/03/2010 LCIF Coordinator Seminar Nathan Miles Chief Development Manager
Lions’ Life-Changing Global Philanthropy- Grants Other $1,044,937 2.46% Core 4 $3,579,939 8.41% Standard $5,854,768 13.76% Mectizan $7,728,750 18.17% Disaster Relief $3,451,510 8.11% Measles $7,511,702 17.66% During the 2013-2014 year, LCIF awarded 459 grants totaling US$42.5 million. SightFirst $13,087,642 30.76% IAG $238,590 0.06% LCIF awarded 459 grants totaling US$42.5 million
Progress Report on Global Funds Raised 2013-2014 Please thank the Lions in your district for supporting the foundation. As of May 2014, donations are up 25% in comparison to last year.
Thank You! Financial Support by Constitutional Area Non-Affiliated $112,807 0.02% CA I $5,726,441 13% Foundations & Corporate $8,055,015 19% CA III $956,984 2% CA VII $881,852 2% CA IV $5,119,567 12% CA VI $2,356,801 5% As LCIF Coordinators, I want to thank you for your support of the Foundation last year. Through your hard work and the generosity of the Lions over US$ 41 million was donated to support Lions projects around the world. Thank You! Total Donations= US$42.6 million* *Unaudited figures as of June 23, 2014 CA V $18,700,907 44%
Review of 2013-2014 Donation Increase or Decrease by CA CA Total Donations 2012-2013 Total Donations 2013-2014* Increase/ Decrease CA I $5,083,346 $5,726,441 $643,095 CA II $589,100 $662,346 $73,246 CA III $1,020,821 $956,484 ($64,337) CA IV $3,707,635 $5,119,567 $1,411,932 CA V $17,900,366 $18,700,907 $800,541 CA VI $1,612,434 $2,356,801 $744,367 CA VII $743,006 $881,852 $138,846 Donation Increase or Decrease by CA This is a chart comparing Total Donations raised last year to the Total Donations raised this year (as of June 23rd) . As you can see, most areas had significant increases in donations in comparison to last year. *As of June 23, 2014
Review of 2013-2014 Total Donations Raised by CA* *As of June 23, 2014 This slide is the graphical representation of the slide before, showing donations from last year in comparison to donations this year. *As of June 23, 2014
2013-2014 Average Gift Per Member Average Gift Per Member: US$25.32 (Figures are based on unaudited June 23rd numbers.) To show you a different view of donations, here is the per member average donation by Lions by constitutional area. Most Lions are giving similar amounts of funds, but we should always be challenging our Lions to give just a small amount more. Even a dollar more per member would have an incredible impact on the Foundation and the number of individuals impacted. I feel such pride when I see the number of children who receive measles vaccination in Nepal or the number of people receiving cataract surgeries in Ethiopia or the number of children who refuse drugs and alcohol in West Virginia because of the Lions Quest program. The Lions should know the impact of their donations.
2013-2014 Club Participation by CA To show you a different view of donations, here is the club participation by constitutional area. Club participation is the percentage of clubs that have donated at least US$100 this past year. The worldwide average is just under 30%. This demonstrates that there is a huge opportunity for growth of LCIF in each constitutional area. If only 30% of clubs worldwide are giving to LCIF, that means 70% of clubs are not giving and if can be encouraged to give, LCIF donations can expand at an incredible rate. *As of May 31, 2014
2013-2014 Individual Participation by CA This graph shows the percentage of individuals who donated to LCIF by constitutional area. As you can see, the percentages are very small. Worldwide only 4% of Lions made individual gifts to the Foundation last year. Just over 12,000 members out of almost 1.4 million members made an individual gift. There is an enormous potential for growth. *As of May 31, 2014
One Shot, One Life: Success 2013-2014 One Shot, One Life has raised more than US$22 million! (from October 2011 through May 31, 2014) Lions exceeded the Million Dollar Measles Challenge 157 million children have received vaccinations this year MJF recognition will continue Since October 2011, One Shot, One Life has raised more than US$ 22 million. In April, LCIF issued a challenge to Lions to raise US$500,000 during the month of April in celebration of World Immunization Week. Donations for measles during the month of April up to US$500,000 would be matched through a generous donation by PDG Aruna and Abhey Oswal. Lions far exceeded the challenge and raised over US$870,000 before the match. When combined with the matching funds, Lions raised over US$1.3 million dollars for measles during the month of April saving the lives of over one million children. And now I would like to introduce Christopher Plunkett, our Regional Development Specialist at LCIF for CA VI, CA VII. Christopher will continue our presentation about your role as LCIF Coordinators and growing the support of LCIF.
LCIF Coordinator Seminar 12/03/2010 LCIF Coordinator Seminar Christopher Plunkett Regional Development Specialist
Ambassadors of Humanitarian Service: LCIF Coordinators Growing Support for LCIF Strategies That Work Looking Ahead: 2014-2015
LCIF’s Five Year Financial Goals 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Goal US$ 35.7 million US$ 38 million US$ 41.2 million US$ 45.3 million US$ 50 million Increase over previous year 8.5% 7.5% 10.0% 10.2% In 2017-2018, LCIF will celebrate its 50 year anniversary. Fifty years of helping those most vulnerable and at risk within our communities. To commemorate this 50 year anniversary, LCIF’s five year goal is to raise donations to US$50 million.
A Case for Growing Support for LCIF Expanding Disaster Relief grant program Continued support of One Shot, One Life Enhancement of Lions Quest Growing Humanitarian grant requests The additional financial support for LCIF will allow the Foundation to expand our grant programs that benefit Lions and their communities and to continue to fund our partnership commitments to the One Shot, One Life Measles Initiative, Special Olympics, and the Carter Center. As the representatives of LCIF in your Multiple Districts and Districts, we need your help to reach out to clubs and Lions and tell the story of LCIF and why LCIF they should support their foundation.
2014-2015 Goals by Constitutional Area I - USA II - Canada III - Latin America IV - Europe V - OSEAL VI - ISAAME VII - ANZI 2014-2015 Goal $6,682,436 $638,559 $1,232,612 $4,814,938 $21,383,266 $2,968,209 $660,715 Per-member average $19.84 $17.17 $12.24 $18.49 $77.20 $9.84 $14.71
Recommended Strategies 12/03/2010 Recommended Strategies Club Visits Reports at Zone & District Meetings Presentations at District Events Melvin Jones Fellowship Presentations Local Leadership Training, e.g. DGE Lions publications, online and in print Engage Leos Publicize Local LCIF Grants Contact each club president There are many strategies that can be employed to promote LCIF and raise funds. In speaking with coordinators worldwide, each area has strategies that work for them, but these activities have been universally the most successful. Visiting clubs, giving reports at zone and district meetings, as well as giving presentations at district events have been the most popular because of the face to face interaction with Lions.
Planning for 2014-2015 Materials packets to be mailed 12/03/2010 Planning for 2014-2015 Materials packets to be mailed Multiple District Coordinator training by CA MDCs meet/train District Coordinators Thank you to all of you who have submitted your goals to LCIF through the goal survey that was emailed a few weeks ago. For those of you who have not submitted goals for your District or Multiple District, the deadline is July 31, 2014. In the weeks to come, MD Coordinators worldwide will receive packets of materials with contributing member pins and measles brochures. We will also be having MD Coordinator trainings in each constitutional area. Training meetings have been or will be scheduled for MDCs in each Constitutional Area. The meetings are excellent opportunities for networking and troubleshooting with other coordinators. Expenses are covered by LCIF Once the MDCs are trained, they will go home and train their District Coordinators preferably face to face, but they can also do this by conference call or by webinar with staff support.
LCIF Development Contacts 12/03/2010 LCIF Development Contacts Nate Miles Chief Development Manager Phone: 630.468.6896 Katharine Keller Corporate, Foundation & Government Gifts Specialist Phone: 630.468.6837 Ashley Follett CA I (East), CA II Phone: 630.468.6818 Cynthia Bianchi CA I (West), CA III Phone: 630.468.6770 Kate Leander CA IV Phone: 630.468.6973 Norio Tanabe CA V Phone: 630.468.6892 Christopher Plunkett CA VI, CA VII Phone: 630.468.6724 Karen David Development Assistant General Office phone: 630.203.3797 General Office fax: 630.203.3776
LCIF Coordinator Seminar 12/03/2010 LCIF Coordinator Seminar Questions
Enriching Lives WE ARE COMPASSIONATE AND CARING - enriching lives in communities all over the world! We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.