Identified a pattern of segregated roles in Bethnal Green. Men went to work and spent leisure time at the pub Women stayed at home and spent time with female relatives. They also identified the modified extended family
They reject the march of progress view Little has really changed in terms of gender roles in the family
Boulton (1983) Boulton studied 50 young married mothers in London, none of them had full-time jobs. Boulton claimed that men will help out with certain bits of childcare such as nappy changing although women still have primary responsibility for the children.
Boulton’s study revealed the following: Amount of Help From Husband% Extensive help with childcare18% Moderate help with childcare36% Minimal help with childcare46% What conclusions can be drawn from this data?
Support previous findings- women still doing most domestic tasks. But some evidence of a slight change in attitude of younger men. However women are still doing the bulk of household chores …….
In the 19th century the rise of industrialisation saw women gradually excluded from paid work the housewife role came about and remains women’s primary role When they do work women are concentrated in low paid ‘caring’ type jobs- an extension of the housewife role.
¾ of married and cohabiting women are economically active But is the new man doing his bit of the housework.. Or are women just shouldering a double burden
Good quality childcare is essential to working mums This is not always available to working class families so women stay trapped in low paid part time jobs Middle class couples often pay for nannies/cleaners etc
Women are more likely to do jobs which are about managing emotions Teaching Nursing This has been applied to the family
‘Triple shift’
Lesbian couples have much more symmetrical relationships They don’t have to follow ‘gender scripts’ Supports radical feminist view that heterosexual relationships are inevitably patriarchal