Disclaimer © 2015 John Straumann. All rights reserved. “Score It! Golf” and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. John Straumann provides no license, express or implied, in this presentation JOHN STRAUMANN MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS PRESENTATION. JOHN STRAUMANN Confidential. Patent Pending Application #62/140,247 Score It! Golf
App Overview People participating in sports such as golf want to track and have an electronic record of their shot statistics, but cannot easily do so while participating in the round, they need a 2nd person to track their performance on a computer, tablet or smart phone. While software does exist to allow sports statistics to be electronically entered on a PC, tablet, or Phone, it requires someone other than the participant – such as a spectator or coach – to input the data. The “Score It!” software running on the wrist-wearable device will allow the participant to enter their match data themselves. Operation The user will install the software on their smart-phone or tablet, and then the smart-phone or table will deploy the user interface to the wrist- wearable device. The first step is to enter Golf Course data using the iPhone app. Then, before a round of golf, the user will start the app on the Watch, which will then initialize and start the input interface on the Watch. As the round is played, information such as yardage, Par, and Handicap will appear for each hole. The user can easily enter their shots and putts for each hole, and then when the click the “Next” button, the App advances to the next hole. At the end of the round the user sees their stats for the entire round.
On the iPhone, choose “ScoreIt! Golf”
The IOS app serves only to allow the storage of golf course data. A list of the stored courses is shown. Tap “Enter New Course” to enter a new course
Enter the Course general information, and then enter the Hole data, one hole at a time. When the “Save Hole” button is tapped, the App will advance to the next hole. When all 18 holes have been entered, the “Save Course” button will enable and when tapped, saves the new Course information to the database.
The IOS keyboard will appear when an input field is tapped.
By swiping to the left on a Course Name, the user is presented with the option to delete a Course and its data.
When the Watch App starts, a list of the courses stored in the database appears. Tap to select a course.
This screen shows a list of the Tees stored for the selected Course. Tap to select the Tees being played for the round.
While playing the round, the App will display the stats for each hole, and the User can record their shots and putts as they play the round. Tap the “+” sign next to “Shots” for each shot, and tap the “+” sign next to “Putts” for each Putt. Note that each Putt recorded also adds another shot!
At the end of the round, the user can see their stats for the entire round.