RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA (RKVY) A Flagship Scheme of GoI launched in 2007-08 pursuant to Resolution of National Development Council (NDC). Additional Central Assistance (ACA) to State Plan till 2013-14. From 2014-15 implemented as Central Assistance to States Scheme. 2015-16- State share being made mandatory
OBJECTIVES To incentivize the States so as to increase public investment in in Agriculture and Allied Sectors. To Provide flexibility and autonomy to States in the process of planning and executing Agriculture and Allied Sector schemes. To ensure the preparation of Agriculture plans for the districts and the States based on agro- climatic conditions, availability of technology and natural resources.
OBJECTIVES To ensure that the local needs/crops/priorities are better reflected in the Agricultural Plans of the States. To achieve the goal of reducing the yield gaps in important crops, through focused interventions. To maximize returns to the farmers in Agriculture and Allied Sectors. To bring about quantifiable changes in the production and productivity of various components of Agriculture and Allied Sectors by addressing them in a holistic manner.
BUDGET OF RKVY XI Plan XII Plan Release= 100% of RE. (Rs. in Crore) PERIOD ALLOCATION RELEASE UTILIZATION 2007-08 to 2011-12 25,000.00 22,408.76 22,325.91 XII Plan PERIOD ALLOCATION RELEASE UTILIZATION BE RE 2012-13 9217.00 8400.00 8358.40 2013-14 9954.02 7089.00 7052.51 6780.50 2014-15 9954.00 8444.00 8443.20 2989.96 2015-16* 4500.00 Release= 100% of RE. BE-RE= cost paid by Laggard states
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under Normal RKVY during 2012-13 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Uttar Pradesh 277.03 103.89 2. Punjab 106.92 35.10 3. Meghalaya 90.70 22.68 4. Goa 56.43 21.16 5. Jammu & Kashmir 35.17 17.52 6. Arunachal Pradesh 25.05 9.40 7. Sikkim 15.70 5.89
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under Normal RKVY during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Madhya Pradesh 434.79 217.39 2. West Bengal 334.10 167.05 3. Bihar 325.94 157.45 4. Assam 299.98 137.45 5. Haryana 188.07 94.04 6. Jharkhand 180.27 90.14 7. Uttarakhand 75.21 37.62 8. Goa 18.41 8.68 9. Sikkim 9.55 4.47
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under Normal RKVY during 2014-15 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Gujarat 577.05 288.53 2. Jharkhand 216.66 108.33 3. Jammu & Kashmir 32.50 16.25 4. Goa 22.13 - 5. Arunachal Pradesh 15.83 7.92 6. Sikkim 11.48 5.74
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under NMPS during 2012-13 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Andhra Pradesh 28.39 14.20 2. Bihar 25.62 12.81 3. Goa 2.50 - 4. Haryana 16.59 8.30 5. Himachal Pradesh 16.42 8.21 7. Karnataka 22.03 8. Kerala 19.50 9.25 9. Manipur 5.44 2.72 10. Punjab 18.01 9.00 11. Rajasthan 25.25 10.34 12. Sikkim 8.84 2.92 13. Uttar Pradesh 35.21 13.11 14. Uttarakhand 12.29 3.11 15. West Bengal 24.03 12.02
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under NMPS during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Andhra Pradesh 20.00 0.00 2. Assam 18.00 9.00 3. Bihar 23.52 7.70 4. Chhattisgarh 14.00 7.00 5. Goa 2.50 1.25 6. Gujarat 27.00 - 7. Haryana 15.00 7.50 8. Jammu & Kashmir 9. Jharkhand 14.70 7.35 10. Karnataka 13.50 6.75 11. Madhya Pradesh 25.00 12.50 12. Maharashtra
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under NMPS during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 13. Manipur 5.30 2.65 14. Meghalaya 15. Mizoram 5.00 2.50 16. Nagaland 11.00 5.50 17. Odisha 18.00 9.00 18. Punjab 4.50 19. Sikkim 10.80 5.40 20. Tamil Nadu 4.00 2.00 21. Uttar Pradesh 24.00 11.74 22. Uttarakhand 15.70 4.58 23. West Bengal 3.60 1.80
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under NMPS during 2014-15 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1 Arunachal Pradesh 10.00 5.00 2 Bihar 15.82 - 3 Goa 2.50 - 4 Gujarat 13.50 5 Haryana 6 Jammu & Kashmir 12.00 6.00 7 Jharkhand 13.28 6.32 8 Karnataka 15.28 9 Rajasthan 10 Sikkim 4.00 2.00 11 Uttar Pradesh 3.83 12 Uttarakhand
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under VIUC during 2012-13 (Rs Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under VIUC during 2012-13 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Arunachal Pradesh 3.50 1.75 2. Bihar 12.00 6.00 3. Goa - 4. Gujarat 5. Himachal Pradesh 6. Jharkhand 7. Karnataka 17.00 8.50 8. Kerala 0.93 9. Manipur 10. Meghalaya 11. Punjab 12. Sikkim 13. Uttar Pradesh 1.50 14. Uttarakhand 15. West Bengal
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under VIUC during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1. Assam 12.00 6.00 2. Bihar 3. Chhattisgarh 4. Goa 1.00 0.50 5. Gujarat 3.00 6. Haryana 7. Jammu & Kashmir 7.00 4.48 8. Jharkhand 9. Karnataka 9.00 4.50 10. Maharashtra 17.00 8.50
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under VIUC during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 11. Manipur 2.00 1.00 12. Meghalaya 13. Mizoram 2.50 1.25 14. Nagaland 15. Punjab 6.00 3.00 16. Sikkim 3.50 2.15 17. Tamil Nadu 12.00 - 18. Uttar Pradesh 4.00 - 19. Uttarakhand 1.50 20. West Bengal 4.35 2.18
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under VIUC during 2014-15 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1 Arunachal Pradesh 2.00 1.00 2 Bihar 6.00 3.00 3 Goa - 4 Gujarat 1.50 5 Haryana 12.00 6 Karnataka 8.00 7 Madhya Pradesh 4.00 8 Rajasthan 9 Sikkim 3.50 1.75 10 Uttar Pradesh
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under BGREI during 2013-14 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1 Bihar 142.78 71.39 2 Chhattisgarh 204.51 102.25 3 Jharkhand 85.81 42.90 4 Uttar Pradesh 116.95 58.48
Non release of 2nd Installment of funds under BGERI during 2014-15 (Rs. in Crore) Sl. No Name of the State Allocation Release 1 Jharkhand 77.00 38.50
ISSUES AND STRATEGY Issues Strategy(target 100%) Absorption capacity DAP, SAP- Reflecting Felt needs Gap Analysis Bottoms UP Design /Project Appraisal Incentives Design Competitiveness Sectoral Composition Quality of execution Strategy(target 100%) Sanction Early Have 3-4 SLSC Flagship Scheme Focus Areas Avoid thinly spreading of resources Plan expenditure Regular and close Monitoring. Third party evaluation of 25% of Projects. Update RDMIS
FLAG SHIP SCHEMES Gujarat Water & Soil Conservation Project including reclamation of degraded Bhal areas and checking of salinity ingress in coastal areas and farm ponds., Export oriented clustering and infrastructure in PPP mode for banana, Large animal surgery at Anand Uttar Pradesh Veg Prod thru low tunnel polyhouse, land reclaimation of Katri Area Dairy Orissa 100 new watershed Acidic soil treatment Renovation of Horticulture Farms West Bengal Prani Bandhu Scheme Hybrid paddy seed thru NGO Custom Hiring centre Assam Shallow Tube Wells with electrically operated pump sets - Establishment of Organic agriculture produce market, -Agri mechanisation through power tillers
FLAG SHIP SCHEMES Maharashtra Construction of farm ponds, Creation of low cost onion storage structures, Surveillance and Monitoring of Pest and Disease on soybean and cotton Tamil Nadu Precision Farming sugarcane, banana, Automated weather stations in 224 Blocks , Promoting SRI through conduct of demonstrations in 40,000 ha Karnataka Karnataka Seed Mission project, Automated weather monitoring system, Rainfed agriculture – Bhoo-chetana, E-tendering project Haryana Providing assistance on laying underground pipeline system for water conveyance to reduce water losses 100% treatment of certified wheat seed, Cattle health management to optimise fertility Himachal Pradesh Construction of low cost green houses/ poly houses, Organic cultivation, Micro/minor irrigation and water harvesting (OFWM) Meghalaya Water conservation structures mini irrigation check dams, Horticulture hubs, Fisheries
FLAG SHIP SCHEMES RECOMMENDATIONS For all states High value Crops Horticulture Animal Husbandry Dairy, Fisheries Infrastructure Markets Processing Mechanization
Increase in Cultivable Area Success Stories West Bengal CONSTRUCTION OF WHT AT ANKRO AT MANBAZAR –II BLOCK Increase in Cultivable Area Kharif=21.2-9.2=12 Ha Rabi- 6.36-1 = 5.36 Ha Total=17.36 Ha Total Cost=Rs 37.28 Lacs Total cost per ha=Rs 2.2 lac per ha Total Direct benefit+ Externality Over 1 yr/3yr/ Project period= ?? BC ratio= ?? DAC Expectation- No Stand alone example, but Area Approach, Minimum Block /Taluk
Establishment of Integrated farming system for Demonstration and Training of farmers At KVK Sonamukhi, Bankura (09-12) Output: Now KVK have well equipped integrated demonstration farm, functioning all units, where near about 30 tonnes of foundation seed, 10,000 nos of fruits plants, 1,00,000 nos of vegetables seedlings, 10,000 lit. of milk, 10 nos of heifer & kids, 200 nos of birds and 50 nos of piglets, 1000kgs of fish, 1000 pkts of mushroom produced annually. Storage of pulses and oil seed up to 100 tonnes.(Rs 37 lac) Impact: District line departments of this district realized that KVK have a good integrated farming system infrastructure and expertise for conducting any kinds of training programme . Now some entrepreneurs are taking interest to develop such type of multidimensional infrastructure for entrepreneurship development.
Enhancing production and productivity of wheat by proper placement of seed and fertilizer through line sowing in Eastern UP Project implemented: 2010-11 to 2013-14 in 27 district of Eastern U.P. Area covered: Average 1.89 lac ha/ year Expenditure incurred: 38.44 Crore IMPACT-Additional production of 14.12 lacs quintals wheat was achieved by way of bringing an area of 1.89 lacs ha. under line sowing. 4725 tonnes seed was also saved per year. Overall yield increase by 8 Q/ha(in 4 years?) led to the award of National Productivity in Wheat. Employment generated by creating 83,760.8 mandays which generated an income of Rs. 700.80 lacs to farmers/ ferti seed drill owner. Saving the cost of cultivation @ Rs. 2000/- per hectare by using zero till cum ferti seed drill
“ESTABLISHMENT OF BIO-CONTROL LABORATORY FOR MASS PRODUCTION OF BIO-AGENTS” Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Department of Entomology, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat Novermber, 2008
Success story of milk Chilling infrastructure expansion in district sehore, MP under RKVY Installing 33 Bulk milk coolers in the project area Expansion of milk chilling capacity from existing 1.45 lakh liters per day to 1.69 lakh liters per day Improvement in production and supply of good quality milk to the consumers.
RKVY 2015-16 (Proposal) Budget = Rs. 4500 Cr States Contribution = Rs 4500 Cr (32%-- 42%) Total = Rs 9000 Cr (14-15 RE Rs. 8444 Cr.) All the states will now be eligible to access funds under RKVY Allocation criteria- Any suggestions? The State Governments, to get budget Head Created for state share and ensure budget provision of approx 50% of 14-15 Release You may get first Instalment but not second if you don’t release state share before 2nd instalment
2015-16 Likely scenario Sub Scheme 2014-15 BE 2014-15 Actual Release Rs. Crore BGREI 1000 823 500*2=1000 CDP 250 125*2=250 Saffron Mission 100 50 50*2=100 VIIDP 150 75*2=150 NMPS 300 200 100*2=200 141*2 VIUC 175 128 41*2=82 0*2 Normal RKVY 7889 6664 3519*2=7038 Total 9954 8444 4500*2=9000^ ^ 45 Cr for Adm Exp.
SLSC for 15-16?
Joint Secretary(RKVY) THANK YOU Narendra Bhooshan IAS Joint Secretary(RKVY) Narendra.bhooshan@gov.in Jsrkvy-agri@gov.in