alter ego another self Bruce Wayne is Batman’s alter ego. EXPRESSION TRANSLATION English Sentence An alter ego can also be one of the two sides of the same person’s personality, as Dr. Jeckyll was the alter ego of Mr. Hyde.
amicus curiae friend of the court The judge read the materials contained in the amicus curiae brief with great care. EXPRESSION TRANSLATION English Sentence Someone who is not involved in a lawsuit may submit background information to a judge in a document called an amicus curiae brief.
annuit coeptis He has favored our undertakings EXPRESSION TRANSLATION This phrase is printed on the back of the U.S. dollar bill above the pyramid. It comes from Book IX of Vergil’s great Roman epic, the Aeneid. English Sentence
Anno Domini (A.D.) In the Year of the Lord Mt. Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79. EXPRESSION TRANSLATION English Sentence Most historians today use the expression Common Era (CE)
ante bellum before the war The antebellum house required extensive renovation. EXPRESSION TRANSLATION English Sentence This phrase is sometimes written in English as a single word, “antebellum.” It refers to the period in American history before the Civil War.