ENT Flagship 2015 call Sustainable Logistics & Supply Chain Brokerage Event 13 May 2015 Bülent KURSUN HAYAT HOLDING (Kastamonu Entegre)
WHO ARE WE ? PROJECT DİRECTOR : BÜLENT KURSUN (Renewable Energy Manager) COMPANY : HAYAT HOLDİNG – Kastamonu Entegre Integrated Forestry Industry and Trade Inc. COUNTRY : TURKEY, İstanbul DEPARTMANTS : HAYAT ENERGY HAYAT İNNOVATİON & AUTOMOTİVE SOLUTİONS HAYAT ACADEMY EXPERTİSE AREAS : Forest Product Technologies, Biomass, Wood Supply Chain Renewable Energy CONTACT Web : &
OUR COMPANY HOLDİNG a company with employees among the largest five hundred industrial companies in Turkey is active in two main fields of activity with Kastamonu Entegre, which operates in the wood industry and Hayat Kimya, a company producing consumer products. Kastamonu Entegre produce in the forestry and wood products sector, is rapidly moving towards its goal of increasing its percent share in the Turkish market according to the product groups and becoming a regional leader. Yearly Turnover: : 1.40 Billion USD Production Location: : 13 Number of Employees: : Turnover from International Operations: : 250 Million USD
OUR PROJECT İDEA PROJECT PROPOSEL TİTLE: Sustainability of Wood Supply Chain & Logistic Optimization PROJECT DESCRİPTİON: We aim to create a supply chain that will enable wood sector, forest product technologies and information infrastructure that are developed in North Europe to be accessible at South East Europe, Balkans and Turkey. We can list main points of our goals as such: Identify sources of wood supply and its sustainability Identification of parameters that affect the wood supply market and its real-time monitoring Real-time monitoring of the sources of wood supply production Determination of wood logistics channels and real-time monitoring of the parameters of these channels Continuous measurement of system performance and creation of improvement structures
PARTNER SOUGHT We are looking for; Organizations Educational institutions Universities Companies especially from (North) Europe, which can support the project by utilizing their experience in Logistics Supply chains Energy saving Sustainable forestry and plantation Green energy and biomass R&D Minimizing GHG emisions Ngva Blue corridore by providing safe driving techniques, environment-friendly policies and implementation courses for transporters.