Publishing Partnerships: Federal Depository Library Program Requirements and Opportunities for Cooperation Federal Customer Agency Presentation April 2015
GPO is now the Government Publishing Office
Enhanced Publishing Services for about 20,000 titles each year We provide for permanent access to your publications, at no cost to you. We partner with 1,150+ major libraries in every Congressional District that commit to helping the public discover your publications. We catalog your publications so they are easier to find. We exchange your publications with other countries. We disseminate your publications as directed by Congress (By-law). Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
Depository libraries … Ensure the American public has no-fee access to its Government’s information Assist library patrons in finding and using Federal Government information Provide increased visibility of Government publications, from which agencies benefit FDLP GPO Your Agency Over 1,150 Depository Libraries Nationwide! Provides access to your print and digital content.
FDLP Legal Requirement and Agency Opportunity Criteria for “Government information” under Title 44, U.S. Code: Publications produced with funds appropriated by Congress are considered “Government information” and therefore in- scope of the FDLP Agencies also have a legal obligation to notify us of content even if they do not print through GPO (44 U.S.C. Sec ) No cost to the Agency for FDLP copies when printing is handled through GPO Contact us to discuss this Opportunity!
Government Information Products In-Scope of the FDLP eBooks:.epub Handbooks, manuals, and guides Circulars that are advisory in nature Proceedings of symposia, public meetings, workshops, conferences, hearings Maps, atlases, charts Reports (one-time and recurring) Journals, periodicals, and newspapers Environmental impact statements and assessments Legal material, including laws and decisions Flyers, brochures, booklets, and pamphlets Statistics Publications that are educational and/or of interest to the American public Examples (not a comprehensive list): Refer to Circular Letter No. 794, dated Oct. 19, 2010 for more detailed informationCircular Letter No. 794
Government Information Products Out-of-Scope of the FDLP Publications that are: Published with non-Federal funds Strictly for administrative/internal (operational purposes) Copyright restricted Deemed restricted, sensitive, or classified Contains personally identifiable information (PII) Any publications having no educational value (bumper stickers and signs, e.g., “wet paint”) Stationery
Notify us of your digital information products Electronic publications Online Databases eBooksWebsites Information that originates in a digital form Electronic media, files or cache
Document Discovery program
Website for Document Discovery Includes program benefits FAQs Testimonials Places to ask questions and/or submit information along with your Government information products Options to submit Government information products: Access the Document Discovery Form from the website Go directly to the form by using the link below: o OR Submit to the following address: o We accept all file extensions
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)
Agency creates e- content Agency alerts us using Document Discovery New Electronic Titles List We alert 1,150+ libraries and the American public to e-content. Libraries add this content to collections and help people find the information. We maintain access to your permanently accessible e-content. We authenticate and metatag the content to increase user ability to locate information. We alert libraries around the globe about your e-content. International Exchange Service We exchange your e-content with other countries through the IES program. Harvesting e-content FDsys FDLP electronic collection
Notify us of your print information products
SF-1 Printing and Binding Requisition All updated GPO Forms can be found at:
Form Print Order All updated GPO Forms can be found at:
GPO Form 3868 Notification of Intent to Publish Submit to:
GPO’s Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) Program Procurement vehicle established by the GPO in order to provide a simple method of procuring printing and printing-related services valued at $10, or less per order (excluding any Superintendent of Document copies ordered). Important to remember … If using this procurement method, submit the Work Order Form 4044 and/or GPO Form 3868 (Notification of Intent to Publish) to PRIOR to submitting job to the contractor
GPO Customer Services: Regional Printing and Procurement Offices
Opportunities for Cooperation: Benefits of the FDLP to the Agency Meet the legal requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (Title 44). Increase visibility and accessibility of your Agency publications by the correct audience. Various ways to access content are available to the entire global community. Availability of content is permanent. Over 1,150+ major libraries in our program with content/topic knowledgeable librarians. No cost to the Agency for FDLP copies when printing is handled through GPO.
Contact us: Stephanie Daniel Karen Peregoy