1 Vision based Motion Planning using Cellular Neural Network Iraji & Bagheri Supervisor: Dr. Bagheri
Sharif University of Techology2 Chua and Yang-CNN Introduced Image Processing Multi-disciplinary: –Robotic –Biological vision –Image and video signal processing –Generation of static and dynamic patterns: Chua & Yang-CNN is widely used due to –Versatility versus simplicity. –Easiness of implementation. Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology3 Network Topology Regular grid, i.e. matrix, of cells. In the 2-dimensional case: –Each cell corresponds to a pixel in the image. –A Cell is identified by its position in the grid. Local connectivity. –Direct interaction among adjacent cells. –Propagation effect -> Global interaction. C(I, J) Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology4 r - Neighborhood The set of cells within a certain distance r to cell C(i,j). where r >=0. Denoted Nr(i,j). Neighborhood size is (2r+1)x(2r+1) Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology5 The Basic Cell Cell C(i,j) is a dynamical system –The state evolves according to prescribed state equation. Standard Isolated Cell: contribution of state and input variables is given by using weighting coefficients: Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology6 Space Invariance Inner cells. –same circuit elements and element values –has (2r+1)^2 neighbors –Space invariance. Boundary cells. Boundary Cells Inner Cells Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology7 State Equation xij is the state of cell Cij. I is an independent bias constant. yij(t) = f(xij(t)), where f can be any convenient non-linear function. The matrices A(.) and B(.) are known as cloning templates. constant external input uij. Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology8 Templates The functionality of the CNN array can be controlled by the cloning template A, B, I Where A and B are (2r+1) x (2r+1) real matrices I is a scalar number in two dimensional cellular neural networks. Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology9 Block diagram of one cell The first-order non-linear differential equation defining the dynamics of a cellular neural network Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram
Sharif University of Techology10 ROBOT PATH PLANNING USING CNN Environment with obstacles must be divided into discrete images. Representing the workspace in the form of an M×N cells. Having the value of the pixel in the interval [-1,1]. Binary image, that represent obstacle and target and start positions. Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram Path Planning By CNN
Sharif University of Techology11 Flowchart of Motion Planning Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram Path Planning By CNN Flowchart of Planning CNN Computing
Sharif University of Techology12 Distance Evaluation Distance evaluation between free points from the workspace and the target point. –Using the template explore.tem –a is a nonlinear function, and depends on the difference yij-ykl. Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram Path Planning By CNN Flowchart of Planning Distance Evaluation
Sharif University of Techology13 SUCCESSIVE COMPARISONS METHOD Path planning method through successive comparisons. Smallest neighbor cell from eight possible directions N, S, E, V, SE, NE, NV, SV, is chosen. Template from the shift.tem family Introduction Network Topology r-Neighborhood The Basic Cell Space Invariance State Equation Templates Block Diagram Path Planning By CNN Flowchart of Planning Distance Evaluation Successive Comparison
Sharif University of Techology14 Motion Planning Methods Global Approaches Basic concepts Proposed Model (FAPF) Local Minima Stochastic Learning Automata Adaptive planning system (AFAPF) Conclusions Randomized Approaches Genetic Algorithms Local Approaches: Need heuristics, e. g. the estimation of local gradients in a potential field Decomposition Road-Map Retraction Methods Require a preprocessing stage (a graph structure of the connectivity of the robot’s free space)