Energy Medicine for Self Care Dr. Sandra Sulzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Family Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison & Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner For NAMI Wisconsin Annual Conference 2015 : We’ve Got the Power!
Goals for Today 1. Understand the principles behind the body as an energetic as well as physical system 2. Learn the Daily Energy Routine 3. Learn connections between Daily Routine exercises and: Depression Anxiety Stress 4. Leave with resources for home care
The Roots of Eden Energy Medicine Trace back to ancient healing and spiritual traditions such as yoga, tai chi, and acupuncture. A modern form: No required adherence to any particular set of beliefs or practices. Core Concept: personal well-being and effectiveness are directly related to the state of your body’s energies.
Background: What is Eden Energy Medicine? Founder, Donna Eden Nine Energy Systems Manipulated using hands, magnets or crystals on the skin or in the energy field of a client Participatory model of care “Everything is energy”
What is “Energy?” Many terms from many cultures: Life force Chi Meridians Chakras Biofields Auras E=mc 2
E=mc 2 Matter is a form of energy We’re working to understand this better scientifically Some forms of energy in the body are already measurable: EKG, EEG & MRI Electricity & Magnetic Energy These are a well-established part of allopathic or Western Medical care
Energy in Science Some forms of energy present in healing traditions are referred to instead as “subtle energies” We haven’t 100% figured out how to measure them Sometimes we can study how manipulating them has an impact, even if we don’t understand how they work or what they are Energy Medicine practitioners use their own testing
Some Great Research Especially in acupuncture Meridian pathways (also present in Energy Medicine)
EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAIN Summarizes the results of 59 Systematic Reviews 21 Distinct Indications Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, et al. Evidence Map of Acupuncture [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; 2014 Jan. EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAIN. Available from: v/books/NBK185071/ v/books/NBK185071/
EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR MENTAL HEALTH Summarizes 17 Systematic Reviews 9 Distinct Indications Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, et al. Evidence Map of Acupuncture [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; 2014 Jan. EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Available from: books/NBK185076/ books/NBK185076/
How can you influence your energy system for self care? The Daily Energy Medicine Routine: 3 Thumps Cross Crawl Wayne Cook Posture or Tibetan Prayer Pose Crown Pull Neurolymphatic Flush The Zip Up See:
Overlays with Mental Health Depression Cross crawl Anxiety and Stress: 3 thumps & neurolymphatic flush Pay attention to Spleen and Triple Warmer Remember, this is not a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment, or consultation with a mental health professional. These are self care techniques you may use in addition to receiving medical attention.
Additional Resources Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden – Presents an overview of the entire system including most of these exercises. The Little Book of Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden and Dondi Dahlin – Has diagrams and instructions for specific energy medicine exercises. Alternate version of The Daily Energy Routine. Full explanation here: Short version to follow, here: