World War 2 Turning Point Assignment The Fall of France World War 2 Turning Point Assignment By: Luke Sellitto and Luke Marando
Importance of the Fall of France Hitler finally had his revenge for Germany’s humiliation in the Treaty of Versailles when he captured France This was the beginning of the Nazi invasion of Europe With France defeated it left Britain as the only country left in Europe to fight against German forces Provided Germany with the Atlantic Coast for U-boats to work from and increased the risk of British supply lines.
Key Figures Adolf Hitler General Erich von Manstein Leader of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945 Helped come up with the plan of attack on France Achieved complete power of Germany and maintained it through his active role in the government General Erich von Manstein One of Germany's best military strategists and field commanders Advised the strategy that was used to take over France
Key Figures General Lord Gort Benito Mussolini Was appointed the command of the British Expeditionary Force against Germany Abandoned his orders and saved the British Expeditionary Force from being killed. Benito Mussolini Inspired Hitler with his Fascist Government and allied with Germany during WW2 Helped Germany take over France for more prosperity for Italy
Course of Action Hitler wanted to attack from the East however, bad weather conditions forced him to create a new strategy Though risky, Hitler followed General Erich von Manstein’s strategy for attacking France Going offensive through Ardennes Forest The German army A attacks through the Meuse and succesfully seizes paris.
Outcomes The invasion begins on Belgium, the Netherlands, and France French and British troops are trapped by German armies Luftwaffe drops bombs on Rotterdam making the Netherlands surrender British troops begin mass evacuation from Dunkirk Luftwaffe initiates air raids on Paris German forces penetrate France’s final lines of defense France signs armistice with Germany France surrenders
Resources Works Cited BBC. (2014). History animated Map The Fall of France. Retrieved from BBC: BBC. (2014). History The Fall of France. Retrieved from BBC: History of WW2 Fall of France. (2014). Retrieved April 16, 2015, from History of The World: hour, H. i. (2012). The Fall of France. Retrieved from History in an Hour: Sparknotes. (2015). World War 2 Key People and Terms . Retrieved from Sparknotes: Sparknotes. (2015). World War 2 The Invasion of France . Retrieved from Sparknotes : Wikipedia. (2015, April 10). John Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort. Retrieved from Wikipedia :,_6th_Viscount_Gort
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