National Animal Identification System (NAIS) Berry Acres Llamas National Animal Identification System (NAIS) Prepared by the Camelid ID Working Group, Education/Outreach Subcommittee
Camelid Industry Brief Overview ~300,000 - 325,000 camelids overall in the US: • Registered Llama/guanaco/cross-breeds 157, 803 • Registered Alpacas 86, 054 243 ,857 Top 4 alpaca farming states: OH, WA, OR, CA Top 4 llama farming states: OR, CA, TX, WA Average herd size is less than 50 animals Lifespan is 20-25 years. Uses: breeding, showing, fiber production, companions, animal therapy, pack stock (llamas), guardians for sheep/goats, other livestock. Not all llamas or alpacas are registered; the ILR estimates upwards of 15% of llamas are probably not registered. The llama population is remaining stable; the alpaca population is growing. Alpaca States: Ohio – 11,300; Washington – 8,509; Oregon – 6,274; California – 5,641 Llama States: Oregon – 13,398; California – 12,312; Texas – 10, 745; Washington – 10,413 The ARI employs 16 people (15 FT, 1 PT), the ILR 8 (3 FT, 5 PT), ALSA ? And the AOBA Show Division 1 (plus volunteers). All entities offer online services to their members. Intl. Lama Registry
Camelid Industry Brief Overview cont’d Major record-keeping organizations: Registries: Alpaca Registry Inc. International Lama Registry, Inc. Owner Assoc. - Alpaca Owners & Breeders Ass’n Show Assoc. - AOBA Show Division - Alpaca & Llama Show Assoc. • 3300 entered in ALSA shows 2005 The ARI employs 16 people (15 FT, 1 PT), the ILR 8 (3 FT, 5 PT), ALSA ? And the AOBA Show Division 1 (plus volunteers). ALSA show results are to be reported to the ALSA office within 14 days of the end of the show. 147 sanctioned shows in 2005 AOBA Show Division results are to be submitted within 30 days of the end of the show. 46 sanctioned shows were held in 2005. All entities offer online services to their members.
Growth of the New World Camelid population in North America Alpaca Registry Inc. Intl. Lama Registry Year New Regis. Total Registered 1986 458 - 6,700 est. 1996 2,765 14,930 2004 7,339 49,047 5,768 149,524 2005 16,056 5,170 154,694 2006 (to 7/31/06) 11,025 86,054 3,109 157,803 Llamas and alpacas were imported primarily from S. America in the early 1980s; the industry has had sustained growth. The registries were established in 1986. The lama registry was a compilation of the Llama Assn. Of N. America’s tattoo registry, the Intl. Llama Association’s camelid ID database and the stud books of the Patterson Ranch. These figures reflect only registered animals; there are an unknown number of unregistered alpacas and the ILR estimates 10% of llamas are not registered. There is no camel registry or owners association hence their population is unknown. Recent growth has been higher in the alpaca sector than in the llama sector.
CWG Accomplishments Since 2005 • Established a web site: • Web site contains a generic Power Point file for use by any camelid group, explaining NAIS • Issues press releases • Conducted owner survey Spring 2006 to determine current use and preference of method of ID in camelids Camelid ID WG The Camelid ID WG appears to be the only species working group with a web site devoted solely to providing information to the industry on the NAIS and how it will affect camelid owners. Site includes a history of the development of the CWG’s ID plan. It contains background articles, all CWG press releases, survey results, and proposed recommendations for industry approval prior to recommendations being submitted to USDA. Issue press releases as new information on the NAIS is released and to announce draft recommendation availability.
Industry Survey – Major Findings Method of ID: • 67.5% responding have at least one animal identified with a microchip • 93% prefer to use this method over any other in future Implant Site: • 61% currently use base of either ear, many other locations also used • 57% prefer base of left ear for recommended site Movement Tracking: • 50% say not enough detail to make decision on tracking entity • 33% willing to spend less than $1 over animal’s life Online industry survey was conducted from Feb. 7 – March 11, 2006. About 5% of the owners participated. Current census numbers were reported, current method of ID in use, current microchip implant site (must use base of left ear but many other locations were reported as well), most preferred base of left ear (registries recommend this site) but 9% preferred base of tail. Movement tracking entity: 50% said they did not have enough information to make a decision at this time; 21% prefer a single entity to report all camelid species movement; 20% prefer separate entities for llamas/alpacas. Cost to report movements: 33% would pay $1.00 or less to report all movements over an animal’s lifetime. 23% would pay $4-$5 max. for lifetime movement; 24% had no opinion. Full survey results are posted on the web site.
CWG Recommendation to USDA #1. For participation in the NAIS, the Camelid ID Working Group (CWG) recommends the implanted microchip as the preferred method for identification of camelids. (approved by industry 8/18/06) • Based upon current Registry statistics ~50% registered alpacas microchipped ~10% registered llamas microchipped • Preferred method per industry survey (93%) 1st draft recommendation issued July 18, comment period closed Aug. 18 2006. Recommendation based on the level of usage in the camelid community (more than 10% of llamas and about 50% of alpacas are already chipped) and results of spring 2006 survey. Full background on the initial recommendation is posted on the CWG web site:
Future Tasks Three Subcommittees established: • Specifications on implanted microchips • Details on movement tracking • Camelid epidemiology • Conditions for industry participation: * Grandfathering in of existing chips * Confidentiality of data * Minimal cost to producers Working group was restructured in late July. Three new committees were established to review these areas; the full WG will review the conditions for industry participation.
Implanted Microchip - Details • Insertion site(s) to be used? • Chip frequency to be used? Move to ISO? • Universal scanner availability is critical • Phase-in timeline if move to ISO? • Determine what data element to use for AIN Most commonly used insertion site is the base of the left ear; this has been recommended by both registries for years. However in practice chips are inserted in a wide variety of sites on the camelid. CWG may recommend more than one site pending further research into the best site for using a biothermal chip. Camel owners may recommend the midpoint of the neck (left side) as the preferred implant site for their animals. The installed base of microchips in camelids is the 125 kHz frequency, both open and encrypted. Many owners already have readers for this frequency and some have purchased chips in bulk in anticipation of mandatory ID. 128 kHz and 134.2 kHz are also used but in much smaller numbers. Canada is our major trading partner; they accept either 125 kHz or ISO microchips. Due to the variety of microchips in use by the industry, the readily availability of a true universal scanner is extremely important for owners, event venues, veterinarians and animal health agency personnel. Bayer indicates they will have such a scanner available this fall. Scanner read speed is not as crucial for camelids as it is for food animals in commerce. Accuracy is the most important aspect. If industry agrees to move to 134.2 kHz, what will be a phase-in timeline that does not impose financial hardship on owners? If industry does not use the microchip number itself as the AIN, what other registry data elements are available for use? Likely the animal’s registration number? Will continue to monitor emerging ID technologies. Real-time analysis of DNA from a hair sample would be very useful. Alpacas Magazine
Movement Tracking - Details • Determine reportable vs recordable events • When to report and to whom? • Can registries track for that species? • What role might show associations have? Movement tracking will be the most complex issue. Shows are very popular and are also the main marketing tool in the camelid industry. Camelids move from home to events and return or change residence at point of sale. Most animals are sold via private treaty but there are industry-sponsored sales and some camelids DO turn up at county livestock auctions. Show organizers are responsible for checking in animals and it will likely be those people who will report show movements (if show requires a CVI). Registries need to determine if they can meet the USDA IT guidelines; both have received the interim “Integration” document issued by USDA in July. Need to determine who will be responsible for providing readers at events. Are there any other entities that might track camelid movement? States or commercial database providers? Cost to producers needs to be held to an absolute minimum. The level of camel movement is unknown but there is no show circuit for camels. Some are covered by the Animal Welfare Act as Class C exhibitors, so are already monitored by USDA. Berry Acres Llamas Leraso Farms
Industry Concerns with NAIS • Cost to producers for both identification and tracking • Increase in number of rescue animals? • Confidentiality of information • Reduce the level of interest in owning camelids? Regulation of industry These are recurring questions posed to members of the CWG. There is a fear that owners may not be able to afford to keep their animals, resulting in an increase in “rescue” situations. Others fear that the NAIS will be cumbersome enough to prevent new people from purchasing camelids. (child in this photo is 2 ½ yrs old; llama is a 10 yr old intact male). S. Bramblett
Questions or Comments?? Contact the CWG Co-Chairs: Dr. Julie Jarvinen Office: 515-294-0869 Home: 515-292-3829 Teri Nilson Baird Cell (303) 549-4434 Home: 303-646-4373 Wellspring Suri Alpacas,LLC Broken Windmill Ranch
Pat Sullivan, Star Sapphire Ranch