Transcendentalism The Transcendentalist movement largely began as a form of religious revolt in the 1830s. Everything in the world, including humanity, is a reflection of the Divine Soul. Writers’ and philosophers’ ideas and values spread and attempted to change the cultural landscape of America believed in the importance of leading by example largely believed in a peaceful revolution by example The way one lived, thought, and interacted with the world would become a model for others. An exemplary life would inspire others to live in a new way. reform of self and the subsequent reform of society underlie the emphasis on education If you change yourself, and everyone else changes themselves, then society will change. This change happens with education.
Transcendentalism The Journal Journals played an important role in the lives of the Transcendentalists help writers record and remember important thoughts and events used for reflection journals = very public object open to the examination of others within the movement a shared writing The journals served the purpose of helping to generate new thoughts or insights within the reader idea of spontaneity - record the instantaneous reactions to one's environment wanted life to flow openly and freely allowing joy and pain to be felt – to recognizes the variations of life's moments
Transcendentalism Periodicals (magazines, newsletters, etc) periodicals were meant to be an extension of the ideas that informed their use of journals and conversations a form of conversation in print that would be a discussion about life. periodicals spread ideas that would inspire people to think in new ways; wanted people to read the poems, essays, and reviews in the periodicals, so they could catch a glimpse of life in a new way that would lead to a transformation of how they envisioned the rest of the world getting their ideas to a larger audience
Transcendentalism Lectures lectures helped to support the Transcendentalists financially $$$$$$ also helped to spread their ideas across America acceptable social entertainment in contradistinction to unacceptable or devalued forms of social entertainment, such as taverns and theatres
Transcendentalism Small group brainstorm. Write your responses on big Post-It Note paper. Your group’s responses will be shared with the class. 1.How are you affected by nature? Do you find comfort in it? Do you reflect the moods of nature? 2.What is the role of nature in your life? 3.What is meant by an individual’s spiritual side? How do you define it? 4.Is there a connection between the individual’s spirit and nature? If so, what is that connection? 5.What does it mean to know something intuitively? For example, has a parent or sibling ever known something was wrong with you, without having talked with or seen you? What do we mean when we say “I just know it”? 6.How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd?
Transcendentalism I See… poem I see…. I hear… I smell… I feel… (ex)I see a rough ocean I hear waves crashing and seagulls squawking I feel cold and damp I feel calm and at peace (ex)The rough ocean churns, angry at the mean, grey sky. Waves crash against the sharp, gagged cliffs as seagulls warn of an approaching storm. I am cold, damp, and alone, but I am calm. I am at peace.