Business audit is when one takes time to look at every aspect of his or her business during the improvement stage to know if these aspects are really functioning as expected.
Identify and fix little problems Identify small actions that can help you create significant result over time
Look at your source of your money Determine what you can do to keep your source Devote your effort to the strong performers and sources than to try and pull up the weak ones
Read through your marketing materials carefully Review each page of your marketing materials slowly and read it out loud Ask yourself questions like - Does it present the message that I want to convey? - if no, where do I need to revise?
Try and increase your prices on regular basis Ask yourself some questions after increasing your prices to know if your prices are right. - Are customers still buying my products?
One of the things that you can do to keep the improvement of your business is to reach out to existing customers. You can do this by: Check your post purchased process carefully. - What happens after someone buys? - Does everything arrive in the buyer’s mailbox
Test new ideas to know if they can help improve the sales of your products and also the profit of your business. If your ideas were not successful, look out for thing that prevented it from being a success Do not repeat the same mistakes when trying again. Try to avoid those things that were obstacles initially
Having a big opportunity does not mean that you should always pursue it at that particular time. Keep those missing opportunities in a “possibility list” and follow up when you have the needed resource, time or when you need more money.
Globiztec Consultants is a management consult, IT audit and technology service firm that specializes in: Website design, Logo design, Business plan development Marketing strategy Information security strategy Application Development Database development and other IT services. Contact us on A- Adabraka near Melcom or adjacent Police Station. T / E - W -