Unseen poetry Question Edexcel Literature
Expectations 45 minutes Read 2-3 times and annotate Find ideas/emotions Form, structure and lots of language Short sharp quotes - lots Own response.
Assessment objectives… Identify the ideas and feelings Explain how the form helps Explain how the structure helps Explain how lots of language examples help Use relevant quotes Accurate SPG and an organised response.
The poets… There are 15 from whose work your poem will be selected You can read examples – these will not be the set ones SO … how to begin…?
Clues… 1. Look at title – jot down any thoughts, meanings ideas 2. Look at first line 3. Read rest of poem – and again 4. Significance of last line 5. Annotate! ( aspects of form/structure / language) 6. What’s the big picture/surface meaning? Use this to write your intro. 7. Is there an order/sequence of events? 8. Look for word patterns – (lexical fields); use of non standard English 9. Pick out words /phrases that convey emotions or sounds 10. Jot down a quick emotional or intellectual personal response
Your Response It’s perfectly acceptable to say you find a poem confusing or misleading if you can explain why Try to be positive about some aspect of the poem or explain how you relate to an idea or event in it Uses phrases to show your sadness, surprise, enjoyment, anger, frustration, empathy…… The examiner basically wants to know you have read and thought about this poem
Things you should NEVER write! At first I didn’t understand the poem but after reading it a couple of times I think… The poem has no rhythm I think the poem needed to rhyme more because I like poems that rhyme… I think the poet has done a very good job of writing this poem and they obviously thought carefully about it…
Context about the poets to help you access the poems… Ted Hughes – poems of nature /poet of the wild/sense of place/animals /childlike /bitter Seamus Heaney- story teller/ Irish/families /rural/industrial/bog poems/memories /troubles Charles Causley _ Cornish/private person/simple/direct/ man of people /war experience Siegfried Sassoon – war poet Maya Angelou – black American/activist/feminist/personal/identity/family E.B Browning – 19thcentury/political/pain and suffering/religious/love/female perspective
The rest… Emily Dickinson- 19 th century American/recluse/private/broke rules for writing poems/emotional/botany/death John Clare -18 th -19thc/British/farming/rural/childhood/wildlife/natural cycles/local/peasant poet Edgar Allen Poe- 19 th c /US/gothic/mystery/death/grotesque/ Robert Frost – US/ 20 th c/rural/ordinary people/bleakness/colloquial language Margaret Atwood- Canadian/identity/animals/inspired by myths Helen Dunmore – British/loss memory Thomas Hardy- 19 th c/sense of place/traditional/fate/tragic characters/war poet/love and disappointment Sarogini Naidu – female Indian activist/women/political
Evaluative words… Sad Mysterious Disturbing Shocking Reflective Controlled Moving Brutal Mundane - see other ppt on tone