Welcome to Park Vista Community High School’s Comprehensive AICE & Advanced Placement Program Information Evening Congratulations on being selected for this exciting and unique invitation-only program.
COBRA AICE & ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM (CAAPP) AICE PROGRAM OVERVIEW COBRA AICE & ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM (CAAPP) Park Vista Community High School 7900 Jog Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 (561) 491-8400 http://www.pvchs.com Mr. Reginald Myers, Principal Ms. LuAnne Daucanski, Assistant Principal CAAPP and AICE Program Coordinator
AGENDA FOR THIS EVENING Welcome Mr. Myers, Principal Introductions LuAnne Daucanski, Assistant Principal/CAAPP Coordinator What is the CAAPP Program? LuAnne Daucanski, Assistant Principal/CAAPP Coordinator Student Testimonials Selected CAAPP Students Where Do We Go From Here? LuAnne Daucanski, Assistant Principal/CAAPP Coordinator Q & A LuAnne Daucanski, Assistant Principal/CAAPP Coordinator
What is AICE? An international, pre-university program developed by the University of Cambridge in England Examinations have been offered for over 50 years in more than 150 countries and 9000 schools (including 40 HS in Florida) AICE first offered in the US in 1995, and officially adopted in Florida in 2001 PVCHS became an official Centre in August of 2010 as an avenue for Park Vista students to expand learning opportunities to increase learning for our global society AICE Diploma is awarded based on competence in seven subjects; however, students can take and be awarded for individual subjects Curriculum designed as preparation for college and university programs
Over 2 million entries per year Over 9,000 schools in 150 countries The worlds largest provider of 14-19 International Qualifications Over 2 million entries per year
Focus of AICE High academic standards Flexibility to pursue areas of interest and strengths Students Build College Ready Skills Subject Area Knowledge Learning Skills Critical Thinking Skills Problem Solving Skills Recognition value (every public college and university in Florida, along with most major colleges and universities in the U.S. and worldwide) CIE Recognition Page - http://recognition.cie.org.uk/ FLVCS.org - http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC-CBE.pdf UF - http://www.admissions.ufl.edu/ugrad/trapib.html
Benefits of AICE Increased GPA (A = 6.0, B = 4.5 (equivalent to an “A” in an honors class), C = 3.0, D = 1.5) Additional ways to qualify for Bright Futures Scholarships Possibility of earning college credit as early as your freshman year. College level preparation Exposure to different methods of assessment with emphasis on higher order thinking skills and writing Ability to direct student’s educational interests International perspective necessary for tomorrow’s leaders Ability to compete for admission to the most elite colleges and universities Additional scholarship opportunities (i.e. FAU Honors College offers up to $6000.00 per year for completion of AICE diploma)
3 Main Goals 1 – Prepare students to be successful in college by instilling a growth mindset where students are motivated by their mistakes, love challenges and are not afraid of a little struggle 2 – Earn an AICE diploma (receive Florida Bright Future Scholarship) 3 – Pass AICE Exams (earn college credit)
Curriculum The Cambridge AICE Diploma is designed to deliver breadth across the curriculum and depth in selected subjects. Learners have to achieve a minimum of seven credits from at least three subject groupings and the core (Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives) to be awarded the diploma. Group 1: Mathematics and Science Group 2: Languages Group 3: Arts and Humanities Group 4: Interdisciplinary and skills based subjects .
Sample Course Schedules by Grade 9th Grade (2 AICE Courses) AICE General Papers AICE International History CAAPP Biology I Honors CAAPP Algebra II Honors or Geometry Honors PRE-AICE Spanish II Honors Elective (can include Academy or Band) Elective 10th Grade (3 AICE Courses) AICE English Language I AICE Global Perspectives AICE Environmental Management Pre-Calculus Honors or Algebra II Honors CAAPP Chemistry Honors PRE-AICE Spanish III Honors
Sample Schedule Continued… 11th Grade (At least 2 AICE Courses) AICE Spanish AICE English Lit / AP English Language AP U.S. History Mathematics Science Elective (AICE Marine, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics) Elective 12th Grade AP English Literature AP US Government / Microeconomics Mathematics (AP Calculus, AP Statistics) Science (AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AICE Marine, AP Physics)
YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED SPANISH I BEFORE THE START OF SCHOOL IN AUGUST If you are currently not in SPANISH I at your school, you must complete SPANISH I before the first day of school in August. Our recommendation is that you go to www.flvs.net and register for SPANISH I as soon as possible. Your middle school guidance counselor will have to approve the course once you register. Please contact them as soon as you register so that they approve it quickly. You have been invited into this program because you are the best and brightest of the incoming freshman class. You essentially have 25 weeks to complete SPANISH I online. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
IF YOU WILL BE TAKING SPANISH I ONLINE….. All CAAPP students taking Spanish I online will need to be familiar with the vocabulary as well as the grammar topics taught in Spanish 1. The vocabulary lists will be available on the school website as well as the scope and sequence. The students will be given a diagnostic test the first week of school to check mastery of vocabulary and grammar. Students not scoring at least an 80% will be remediated through tutoring in order to master the vocabulary and grammar by the end of the first quarter.
Why AICE? Most importantly, PVCHS AICE students are prepared to enter college. Over the past years PVCHS has been listed in Newsweek’s Washington Post’s Top Public High Schools. Flexibility to pursue interests Ability and time to develop strengths State University System recognizes AICE (see college websites for credit equivalencies) Bright Futures Scholarship Program recognizes AICE Diplomas
Why AICE? 2014 Testing Data 470 Exams administered 93% overall pass rate 1,311 college credits earned That is approximately $278,285 worth of college credit at a state university.
Why AICE? (Continued) Colleges and universities look for students who take academically challenging courses throughout high school. Colleges and universities look for students who can demonstrate a directed pursuit of academic study. Colleges and universities look for students who show the kind of skills required to complete the AICE diploma. Bright Futures and other scholarship committees look for students who have taken academically challenging coursework in five different subject areas. Students rarely leave AICE at PVCHS to lessen the rigor in their schedule This shows that students and parents are satisfied with the education they are receiving through AICE at PVCHS.
Common Parent Questions Will my student get college credit for the work they do? Yes. In Florida the DOE has established required minimums that ALL public schools in the State must abide by. Schools outside of the State of Florida are all by their discretion. For more specific information, you can use the CIE recognition data base to search schools you may be interested in: http://recognition.cie.org.uk/ What about Florida Bright Futures? Earning the AICE Diploma and completing 100 Community Service hours guarantees your student will earn the highest award possible (Florida Academic Scholar). If the student does not earn the AICE Diploma, they still get credit for taking advanced coursework and can earn the scholarship by completing 100 Community Service Hours AND earning a qualifying score on the SAT or ACT. However, their grade point average is not used in the calculation. Will my child have time to participate in an academy, band, athletics or other extra curricular activity? Absolutely!!! The vast majority of our AICE/CAAPP students are actively involved in the band, an academy, a sport, or other extracurricular activity.
2 Common Misconceptions about AICE The AICE program is easier than the IB program. Compared class to class that is not true. State Universities have said they believe the AICE curriculum better prepares students for college than any other program (which is the goal of a college prep program). Our flexibility makes our program more manageable. AICE credits are not accepted by Universities and Colleges. Section 1007.27, Florida Statutes, requires all public colleges and universities to award the minimum recommended credit for all AICE exams.
What Universities Are Saying….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtanZIQ-yA8 Bill Kolb (Former director of admissions at UF): “Our study found that AICE program graduates attending the University of Florida had an average end-of-freshman year GPA of 3.46 whereas students coming from other acceleration mechanisms such as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) had an average GPA of 3.12 and 3.10 respectively.”
What Universities Are Saying…….. Stuart Schmill, Dean of Admissions, MIT “One of the things we find with students who have studied Cambridge International is that they have a real depth of understanding of the subject matter that they have had classes in, and a real engagement with it. Those are some of the things that we find really help our students succeed once they get to our campus.” Yale University “The depth of knowledge displayed by the best AICE students makes them prime targets for America’s Ivy League universities.”
Universities Want College-Ready Students With…. Flexible learning processes Research & presentation skills Critical reading & thinking skills Advanced writing skills In-depth knowledge Problem-solving skills Intellectual independence Park Vista’s Comprehensive AICE & Advanced Placement Program is specifically designed for preparing your children for the most competitive schools in the world.
What Do I Do Next?????? IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING OUR INVITATION Simply fill out the course selection sheet when we come to your middle school. We have a list of the CAAPP students and will place them in the correct courses for next year. Make sure to indicate your favorite elective. IF YOU ARE OPTING OUT OF THE CAAPP INVITATION Come to the front of the auditorium after this presentation and obtain an “opt out form”. We will then simply give you the classes that you request and are recommended for you on your course selection sheet.
If you have any further question, please join us in Room 10-104 (just outside the auditorium). You are invited and welcome to stay for our AICE Diploma Awards Ceremony to begin at 7:30 p.m. At this ceremony you will hear of the accomplishments of the AICE graduates and the colleges and universities to which they have applied and been accepted so far. As always, if you have any questions or concerns we are here to assist you. Please contact LuAnne Daucanski at luanne.daucanski@palmbeachschools.org. Thank you & Congratulations!!!