Common CBET History Many governments adopt the CBET educational framework to improve TVET Need to improve the skills and knowledge of all workers, regardless of level, and to do so on a continuing basis. “Unskilled workers” are becoming obsolete; unless workers are continuing to learn, countries, firms and industries become uncompetitive. CBET grew from the perceived need to provide skilled-based training to meet changing industry and economic circumstances CBET has become a hot topic, not only in TVET, but in the circles of education in general, e.g. higher education – Universities of Health Professions recognize that being a good doctor requires more than just strong scientific knowledge but also to demonstrate critical competencies.
CBET History CBET has been applied, in varying forms, to vocational education at a national level in numerous countries, including the UK, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Mexico, as well as within Central American and European countries. For example, Australia adopted CBET in the mid 80’s to upgrade workforce skills in the face of industrial restructuring. This was done for economic reasons. Most governments adopted CBET for economic, not educational, reasons. Policy makers felt that traditional TVET/training providers were out of touch with industry needs and unable to lead the required reform.
CBET Definition: Things to Consider CBET is an approach to training that starts with standards and competencies in mind CBET is premised on the performance expectations and competencies required for a particular occupation
CBET Definition: More Things to Consider CBET has a focus on outcomes rather than on subjects as discrete entities CBET fosters technical skills, knowledge, and employability (soft skill) outcomes Root of all best practices and strategies is linking training to employment.
Paradigm Shift from the Traditional Role of teacher changes from information-giver to resource person Trainees have more responsibility for their learning Assessment of the competency is not only based on the knowledge and attitudes, but on actual demonstration of the competencies Learning is measured, not time. Trainees learn at their own pace, individualized learning. Trainees advance by demonstrating attainment of competencies
1. Manager as a Marketers Need to be able to explain to instructors, teachers, students, employers about why the move towards CBET Managers must be passionate about changing paradigms to embrace CBET.
Reasons for Growing CBET Adoption Perceived need to improve technical and vocational education Growing global adoption of CBET in TVET Employment Driven training Collaboration and connection with Employers Determination from governments to achieve greater return on investment in TVET
CBET Benefits Prepares individuals for specific occupational areas. Prepares the workforce for regional and global competition. Allows flexible pathways for achieving outcomes. Has standards for measuring achievement. Overcomes division between hands and mind, theory and practice, as well as general and vocational education. Applies practical skills up to and including the professional level. 9
2) Manager as Change Agent: CBET Curriculum: Dynamic and Changing In academic education, curriculum is relatively stable. In TVET, a 3 year old technical curriculum may not teach the skills currently required by industry. Constant feedback from employers/industry influences curriculum changes. Graduate input on the relevance of curriculum to performance requirements influences curriculum changes.
3) Managers as Strategists Development of a mission, vision and plan for implementing CBET. A comprehensive implementation plan required. Important to include all the components.
CBET Components CBET NVQs and CVQs Assessment and Certification Teaching Methods Occupational Standards- Curriculum Design Flexible Delivery Models PLAR Labour Market Information Community Context
3) Manager working with employers Industry is a major player in TVET development. This relationship is extremely important in developing workers for the job market today and in the future. It’s also importance from a financial perspective.
CBET and Industry/Community Connectedness Why TVET Must be Linked to Industry Industry is the primary consumer of TVET graduates. Industry participation in TVET curriculum and workplace training opportunities is the primary way of achieving this. If employers are not involved in the process of the specific skills attitude and behaviors required by graduates, they are less likely to see any relevance between TVET and their skills needs
4) Managers and Quality Performance Measures Accountability measures must be articulated and measured Documentation results in development of teaching and learning resources and professional portfolios Feedback can lead to positive change
5) Managers: Accountability and Decision Making Data re. Program Costs Salaries Overhead Materials and Supplies Capital Data re. Program Outcomes enrollment vs. capacity demonstrated need graduate rate employment rate employer and graduate satisfaction
Recommendations: Managers and people involved (Directors, etc) must have professional development training in CBET so that they understand the changes and expenses involved. Ongoing CBET training for teachers and for Managers. Development of strong LMI processes so that training meets employers needs. Managers must know how to work with industry to develop a relationship so that they work in a collaborative environment.
Managers need to understand finances so that equipment and materials are supplied for the programs. Development of a CBET strategy plan to ensure that the programs and courses are regularly evaluated. Recommendations