Line-up Management
ASA Official Line-up Info Position in the Batting Order Players Uniform Number Players Defensive Position Players Names Area for umpire to record subs Area where coach lists subs Area to record Courtesy Runners Area to record defensive conferences
BEGINNING THE GAME (SLOW PITCH ALL LEVELS) An EP does not have to be used If used, it must be noted on the starting line-up The EP must be used the entire game –If any player leaves the game the team may continue under the shorthanded rule
DURING THE GAME The EP may bat anywhere in the line-up and must remain in the same batting position All 11 players must bat Any 10 of those 11 players may play defense The EP may be substituted for at any time
Coed All 12 must bat Any 10 (5 males, 5 females) may play defense Defensive positions can change –Coed positioning rules must be followed Batting order must remain the same throughout the game
SENIOR One or two EP(s) may be designated at any place in the batting order or can bat up to and including the entire roster present EP(s) may play defense any time Batting order must remain the same throughout the game
SAMPLE LINE-UP CARD The two EPs are listed in the line-up and must stay in the same batting order All players in the line-up must bat and any ten of those players may play defense at any time
SUBSTITUTING Howell will bat for Able Able has left the game and has one re-entry Howell (#10) is now batting in the 2 nd position 10
SUBSTITUTING Able will re-enter and run for Howell Howell has left the game and has one re-entry 10
SUBSTITUTING Baker will bat for Able Able has left the game for the 2 nd time and is not eligible for re-entry Baker is now batting in the 2 nd position 10 4
FAST PITCH DP/FLEX DP and FLEX split a single player’s responsibilities DP is an OFFENSIVE specialist –As long as the DP plays offense (bats and runs) they have not left the game FLEX is a DEFENSIVE specialist –As long as the FLEX plays defense (any position on the field) they have not left the game
BEGINNING THE GAME A DP does not have to be used If used, it must be noted on the starting line-up A team using the DP starts the game with 10, but could end with 9 or 10
THE LINE-UP CARD The DP is the offensive player and must remain in same batting position for the entire game The name of player for whom the DP is batting (FLEX) will be placed in 10 th position in the line-up In JO Pool Play, the FLEX player should be listed last on the line-up card
THE LINE-UP CARD If replaced by a substitute, the DP position remains in the line-up A starting DP may re-enter one time, as long as the DP returns to the original position in the batting order
SUBSTITUTING FOR THE DP The DP may be replaced by: Pinch-hitter (Substitute) Pinch-runner (Substitute) FLEX In all cases, the DP has left the game (is not playing offense anymore), with one re-entry permitted.
SUBSTITUTING Baker pinch-runs for Cooper Cooper has left the game and may re- enter once Baker is now the DP 4
SUBSTITUTING 4 If the FLEX bats or runs for the DP, the DP has left the game The FLEX (Brown) is now batting in the 7 th position for Baker #4 The line-up is now down to 9
SUBSTITUTING 4 The DP (Cooper) re- enters to bat or run The FLEX (Brown) returns to #10 position playing defense only The FLEX has never left the game
THE DP MAY PLAY DEFENSE The DP may also play defense at any position If the DP plays defense for a player other than the FLEX, that player still bats and has not left the game
SUBSTITUTING 4 Cooper plays second base for Able and still bats in the 7 th position Able no longer plays defense but still bats in the 2 nd position Able has not left the game 4
SUBSTITUTING 4 4 Able is now pitching Brown has left the game The line-up is now down to 9 Brown may re-enter once 1
ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION You CANNOT: Place the FLEX player into the first nine positions somewhere other than the original DP’s position This would result in an illegal substitution
KEY POINTS The role of the DP/FLEX is never terminated A team may go from 10 to 9 players and back to 10 players any number of times during the game The game may end with 10 or 9 players
EASY REMINDERS The DP CAN NEVER be on defense only The FLEX player CAN NEVER be on offense only The DP and the FLEX CAN NEVER be on offense at the same time The DP and the FLEX CAN play defense at the same time