Updated: 9/2014 Senior Class Size: 505
A-F: Ms. Velazco G-Lo: Ms. Bennett Lu-Sa: Ms. Mintey Sc-Z: Ms. Serrano
Irvington.org Visit the Counselor’s Corner and the College and Career Center online for answers to many frequently asked questions…
Irvington.org …Including instructions on requesting a letter of recommendation FOR PRIVATE COLLEGES from your counselor. ***The UCs and CSUs DO NOT accept letters of rec.*** Early Action/Early Decision Deadline: 9/30/14 or 10/1/14 Regular Decision Deadline: 10/29/14 or 10/30/14 New this year: lunchtime “meet and greet” w/ your counselor
Does Senior Year Matter to Colleges? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your senior year, colleges expect you to maintain a similar GPA and course rigor. Private colleges (NOT CSU/UCs) make most admission decisions AFTER they ask your counselor to submit your 1 st semester grades. College admission is CONDITIONAL. You can be rescinded for dropping a class after you apply or if your GPA is not similar to what you applied with. Students are responsible for notifying colleges if they drop a course or have a failing grade senior year. Colleges CAN and DO (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) rescind admission. Make sure you understand your capabilities and have chosen a manageable 12 th grade schedule.
Naviance Naviance helps with college and career planning. College/major search, career surveys, matching capabilities, etc. Scroll down to find the Naviance info page.
Shmoop Free access to -SAT/ACT/PSAT/AP/DMV/CAHSEE exam prep including practice tests and drills -Essay lab to help students write essays (including college entrance) -Study guides for many subjects To sign up: magic word: ELUANT
Make sure everything is correct. Review all classes and grades Classes cannot be repeated for credit per district policy (example: 2 years of Spanish 1). See your counselor if you have repeated a class to make sure you are on track for graduation. Your transcript from our new Student Information System will look different than this but are not ready to be printed at this time.
work in progress: May not be accurate if you recently changed a class. No rank listed. Irvington does not rank. Cal Grant GPA: a-g classes from 10 th and 11 th grade. It is not weighted. Used to determine eligibility for financial aid. Overall GPA: All classes listed on your transcript. It is not weighted.
Calculating your GPA Overall GPA (non-weighted): Add all semester grades on your transcript together. Divide the total by the number of semester courses. Grades are assigned point values: A = 4 points B = 3 points C= 2 points NC= 0 points *”I” grades are temporary and are not factored into the GPA. Weighted GPA: Same as overall GPA but add 1 extra point for each semester AP course or transferable college course to the total before dividing by the number of semester courses (individual private universities may calculate weighted GPA differently). UC/CSU GPA: Use only grades received in “a-g” classes from 10 th and 11 th grade. Add an extra point for each semester AP course or transferable college course ( with a maximum of 8 extra points. GPA Calculator:
Credit Summary Req: Required Cmp: Completed Def: Deficient
Business/Comp: Not required at Irvington, instead you are required to have 75 elective credits 75 (b) English: 40 credits required. You should have 30 now. Fine Art/World Language: You need 10 credits of a Fine Art OR World Language to graduate. CSU/UC: A yearlong Art (f) class AND at least level 2 of a language (e) are needed. Graduation and CSU/UC Requirements (a-g reqs) Health: 5 credits required Math: 30 credits required including BOTH semesters of Algebra 1. CSU/UC: At least Algebra 2 (c)
75 Graduation and CSU/UC Requirements continued PE: 20 credits required Science: 20 credits required. CSU/UC: Prefer Biology and Chemistry (d). (a) Social Studies: 30 credits required. You should have 20 at this time. Electives: 75 credits required. Any class taken after a subject requirement is met is counted as an elective (Ex: Your 3 rd year of science counts as an elective [g]). You should have at least 170 credits at the beginning of 12 th grade to be on track.
Know Irvington’s a-g list / Every class at Irvington that fulfills an a-g subject requirement for CSU and UC admission can be found on this list.
Credit Recovery Add a 0 period Add a 7 th period Adult School: Has a Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter. Students can take 2 classes (10 credits total) per quarter. See your counselor to register. See your counselor ASAP if you need to make-up credits.
More Graduation Requirements Need to Pass BOTH portions of the High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) (Make-up test for 12 th graders that have not passed is October 7 th and 8 th 2014) Need 40 hours of community service
Service Hours ****New This Year**** Servicekarma.com Click here to get started. Everyone needs to create a new account. Your old info will not work. Service hours are being transferred from the old system beginning with 12 th graders. There is an app available. Search Apple or Google Play: ServiceKarma (one word) See Mr. Lewis in rm 212 if you have questions.
Graduation Reqs Versus UC/CSU Reqs Health PE Fine Art OR World Language Fine Art AND World Language AND OR (Digital Drawing, Arts Spectrum, Social Dance and Culinary Arts are NOT fine art classes) Algebra more credits of math Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 (minimum) CAHSEESAT or ACT What are the main differences?
California College Systems Types of CollegesCommunity Colleges California State Universities (CSU) University of California (UC) Independent Colleges Campuses 133: Ohlone, De Anza, Chabot, Las Positas, San Jose City, Evergreen, Foothill, etc. 23 CSUs: East Bay, San Jose State, San Francisco, Monterey Bay, Sonoma, Los Angeles, etc. 10 UCs: Berkeley, Davis, San Francisco, Irvine, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Merced, Santa Cruz, San Diego, Riverside Note: UC San Francisco is a medical center and currently is not providing bachelor degrees. 76 members: Stanford, University of Santa Clara, University of San Francisco, Mills College, University of the Pacific, etc. Websites fornia.edu es.edu Nature of programs Two-Year Schools 1.Complete courses for the first 2 years of a bachelor’s degree transferable to UC and CSU 2.Vocational programs 3.Enrichment and job skills classes Four-Year Schools with Graduate Programs 1.Various majors and programs 2.Bachelor’s degrees 3.Master’s degrees 4.Teaching credentials Four-Year Schools with Graduate Programs 1.Various majors and programs 2.Bachelor’s degrees 3.Master’s degrees 4.Doctorate and Professional degrees Two and Four-Year Schools, some with Graduate Programs Various majors and academic programs are offered at each campus. Check college websites or catalogues.
California College Systems Continued Types of CollegesCommunity Colleges California State Universities (CSU) University of California (UC) Independent Colleges Freshmen Requirements No subject requirements. Must be a high school graduate or 18 years of age. Some programs have pre-requisite requirements. Check college websites or catalogues. See slide on a-g requirements. Requirements vary by school. Check college websites or catalogues. Tests Math and English assessment tests are required for new students in order to be placed at the correct skill level. These tests are not used to exclude students. Tests are given after an application is submitted, usually followed by an orientation, counseling, and enrollment into classes. ACT (writing section not required) or SAT Reasoning Test ELM- Entry Level Math Test EPT- English Placement Test (These tests are not used for admission purposes) ACT plus writing or SAT Reasoning Test Recommended: Certain SAT Subject tests are recommended for certain majors. Check with interested colleges for specific information. Some schools may require the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT plus writing and/or SAT Subject Tests. Check college websites or catalogues for specific test requirements.
Community Colleges 112 campuses located throughout California (Ohlone, DeAnza, Chabot and Mission College are the closest to Fremont)112 campuses located throughout California (Ohlone, DeAnza, Chabot and Mission College are the closest to Fremont) Total enrollment: 2.4 million studentsTotal enrollment: 2.4 million students Requirements: 18 years old OR have a high school diplomaRequirements: 18 years old OR have a high school diploma Types of programs:Types of programs: 1. Complete 60 units (2 years on average) for an AA/AS degree which can transfer to a 4 year university ( transfer to a 4 year university as a junior) 2. Vocational programs (nursing, pharmacy tech, massage therapy, early childhood education, automotive technology, etc.) 3. Enrichment classes and classes to develop skills (English classes, computer classes, etc.)
SAT Reasoning Test: ACT: Visit the College and Career Center’s webpage on Irvington.org for information on the SAT/ACT and test prep options. UCs require the ACT with writing. SAT subject tests may be recommended for certain majors. SAT subject tests can add to your UC application if you score well in a subject area.
Financial Aid Financial aid consists of funds provided to students and families to help pay for college. Types of Financial Aid: Grants: Free money that does not have to be paid back. They are usually awarded based on financial need. Scholarships: Free money that does not have to be paid back. Awarded based on merit, a special skill or interest, or need. Check the College and Career Center’s webpage for more information. Loans: Money that parents and students borrow that does have to be paid back. Students and Parents apply for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ) during the student’s12 th grade year. Check the College and Career Center’s webpage for more information.
Final Thought From Richard Shaw, Dean of Admissions at Stanford: “I continue to be deeply concerned about the burnout, exhaustion and stress some students experience as they go through important years of adolescent development…When high school is simply a way station for accumulating college credit, and a university education is viewed as a finite means to a specific end, the individual student and his or her human experience is diminished.” “What we must teach and model for our young people is that high school is as much about being as it is doing.” “As parents and adults we are too often outcome oriented— we want to know what college and which job, outcomes that are years away. A more compelling question? Who will this student be today, tomorrow and over the course of a long life?”