SECURING TENURE THROUGH USE OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES Jack Makau: SDI Hellen Nyamweru: ACTogether Skye Dobson: SDI Steve Ouma: Pamoja Trust Susan Rojas-Williams: Habitat for Humanity Danilo Antonio: UN Habitat/ GLTN, Cyprian Selebalo: UN Habitat/ GLTN John Gitau: UN Habitat/ GLTN Solomon Njogu: UN Habitat/ GLTN
OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Background issues and challenges on land Neighbourhood upgrading in Ciudadela Sucre community, Colombia Tenure regularization and resettlement planning in Kenya Community-led municipal information system for slums in Uganda
GLOBAL LAND CHALLENGES Only 30 % cadastral coverage (versus 70% tenures off register) – need to secure tenure ASAP to all citizens. Only 2-3% ownership by women – how to increase? Dealing with the affordability issue: how to modernise systems in a pro-poor way? Complexity of land rights, claims, and records: need to have new forms of land administration and records systems. The challenge to all? How to support various tenure types & systems to enable land reform and secure land and property rights for all?
KEY CHALLENGES OF SLUMS Slums harbors majority of cities population; over 60% of Nairobi population lives in slums, 72% in Kampala. Slums associated with poor infrastructure, poor housing, lack of basic services and overcrowding Lack of tenure security with rampant evictions rates Population in slums grappling with many challenges; fire, floods, insecurity How to deal with these?
GLOBAL EFFORTS UN Habitat/ GLTN towards pro poor land administrations, STDM Operationalization of Continuum of Land Rights
THE INEVITABLE SPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES Availability of varied geospatial data and technologies for mapping, Satellite Imagery, UAVs and Global positioning. Growth of DBMS, FOSS and modeling standards UML improving on recording and performance. What does it mean for land administration
APPLICATION OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES …Emerging impacts and potentials of these technologies at country level…
IMPLEMENTATION AT COUNTRY LEVEL Partnership: Colombia Habitat for Humanity Uganda Slum/ Shack Dwellers International ACTogether Uganda Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development of Uganda Kenya Pamoja Trust, Kenya Technical University of Kenya Kenya Informal Settlement Improvement Program Mombasa County Government
NEIGHBOURHOOD UPGRADING IN COLOMBIA Locality: Soacha City Objectives: To improve community/neighborhood infrastructure To improve the housing conditions of community families To improve tenure security Results and Impacts: Identified specific neighbourhood priorities Adoption of a unique structuring address Created a platform for dialogue between community and municipal government Plans are underway to scale it up in other cities in Colombia and Bolivia
Land use and Risk perception maps of Ciudadela Sucre INITIAL RESULTS Land use and Risk perception maps of Ciudadela Sucre
MUNICIPAL DATA CENTERS FOR SLUMS-KENYA Locality: Mnazi Moja in Mombasa, Mashimoni in Nairobi Objectives: Identification of potential beneficiaries for tenure regularization efforts Negotiation for resettlement of Mnazi moja community Results and Impacts: Full list of beneficiaries identified for regularization exercise A community land information system established in both communities Local Authorities ready to use the data for planning and upscaling Upscaling needs and rollout request at county level
INITIAL RESULTS A community driven land Information System in Mashimoni
MUNICIPAL DATA CENTERS FOR SLUMS- UGANDA Locality: Tororo, Masaka, Mbale and Entebbe Municipalities Objectives: Gathering of city wide profiles in 15 Municipalities of Uganda Establishment of community led data centers in Municipal offices Results and Impacts: Data centers established for slums profiles in four municipalities Good working relationships between local authorities and the community Slums profiles being used for planning at Municipal level
INITIAL RESULTS - UGANDA Tenure Security issues in Tororo municipality
KEY OUTCOMES Community forums informing city planning requirements Affordable geospatial technologies accelerating delivery of tenure security to the poor Community driven process influencing interventions and prioritization of needs at local level Scalable systems at community level important for building effective land administration systems. Participatory and transparent process – good governance
LESSONS LEARNT Effective planning will requires geospatial data
LESSONS LEARNT “Spatial enablement” will improve on tenure security of urban poor
CHALLENGES Mobilization and sensitization of community is key to success of the process Prohibitive cost on acquisition of geospatial equipment and data Political good will Sustainability of the process
WAY FORWARD More partnership at the local level Replication and scaling up the use of technologies at Municipal level Capacity development on geospatial technologies Need for convergence of proprietary software to assimilate STDM and continuum concepts
SECURING TENURE THROUGH USE OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES NEED TO KNOW MORE? Jack Makau: Susana Rojas-Williams: Hellen Nyamweru: Skye Dobson: Steve Ouma: Danilo Antonio: Cyprian Selebalo: John Gitau: Solomon Njogu: