22.2 Climate Zones Chapter 22 March 9 th, 2015. Climate Zone Types Tropical Middle Latitude Polar ** Because precipitation in each zone varies… There.


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Presentation transcript:

22.2 Climate Zones Chapter 22 March 9 th, 2015

Climate Zone Types Tropical Middle Latitude Polar ** Because precipitation in each zone varies… There is MORE THAN ONE CLIMATE IN EACH ZONE!!

Tropical Know for high temps Located in equatorial regions Rain Forest Central Africa, South America (Amazon), Central America, SE Asia) Humid/warm Annual rainfall 200 cm Desert largest belt across N. Africa and SW Asia Very little precip. Hot days/cold nights Annual rainfall < 25 cm.

Tropical Cont. Savanna large open grassland/drought resistant shrubs Small temp range Alternating wet/dry periods. Annual rainfall at 50 cm.

Rain Forest Savanna DEsert

Mid Latitude Winter Average Maximum Temps < 18°C Summer Average Minimum Temps >10°C Marine West deciduous trees, dense forests, mild summer/winter Frequent rainfall Small temp range Steppe drought resistant veg, cold/dry winter-warm/wet summer Annual precip < 40 cm Large temp range

Mid Latitude Cont. Humid Continental wide variety veg, evergreens, variable weather Annual precip > 75 cm Large temp range Humid Subtropical broadleaf and evergreen trees/high humidity Annual precip ~ cm. Large temp range Mediterranean broadleaf and evergreen trees, long/dry summer & mild/wet winter Annual precip ~ 40 cm. Small temp range

Steppe Marine West Humid Continental Mediterranean

Polar Average Temps at or below freezing! Subarctic evergreen trees, short/cool summers, long/cold winters Annual precip cm. Largest annual temp range Tundra treeless plains/9 months of below freezing Annual precip 25 cm. Avg temp below 4 o C Polar Icecap little/no life, temp below freezing year-round, high winds Avg temp below freezing Low annual precip

Local Climate Microclimate – Climate of a SMALL area EX: Rural, Urban, Suburban Influenced by – elevation, proximity to water, human built structures Heat Island – occurs in cities Building absorb & radiate heat more than vegetation

Highland Climates Elevation increases – temperatures decrease Highland Climates – mountainous regions Large variations in temps & precipitation over short distances

Large Bodies of Water Affect climate Due to the high specific heat of water Water holds heat energy in Therefore, precipitation nearby increases