Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 1 Lecture 20 – Psyco 350, B1 Winter, 2011 N. R. Brown
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 2 Outline Memory Illusions DRM False Memories -The Paradigm -Activation Monitoring Account -An Alternative Recovered Memory Controversy
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 3 Memory Illusions Phenomena: DRM-False Memories Misinformation Effect Implanted Memories Theoretical Importance: highlights the complexity of memory for real-world information. multiplicity of relevant memory processes: inference, reconstruction, source/reality monitoring, contextualized cued weighting
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 4 Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) False Memory Paradigm (Nonpresented) Critical Lure (CL) Converging Associates List –most common word-association responses
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 5 Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) False Memory Paradigm (Nonpresented) Critical Lure (CL) Converging Associates List –most common word-association responses Tasks –recognition –recall
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 6 The Classic DRM Study Roediger & McDermott, 1995 Method: 24 list 15 words/list study time: 1.5 s/word Post-list recall Set-final recognition test: list-items, CL, unrelated. Results: Recall: list (60%) CL (57%) Recognition: list (78%) CL (80%) >> unrelated (12%)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 7 DRM -- Research Background: The “Hot Topic” in memory Spawned from the Recovered Memory Controversy; additional evidence for “productive” memory errors – errors of commission. Issues: What causes the FMs? How (and when) are CL correctly rejected?
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 8 Activation-Monitoring Theory Roediger & Colleagues In general: word processing causes activation to spread related words in a semantic network ______________________________________ At study: activation spreads from list items to CL At test: S encounters highly “primed” CL Source Monitoring: Misattributes CL activation to prior exposure
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 9 Support for A-M Theory False Memories (FMs) increase with degree of list association. (Deese, 1959; Roediger, et al. 2001) FM increase with number of associates on list. (Robinson & Roediger, 1997)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 10 Number of presented associates (Robinson & Roediger, 1997, Exp 2) 24 list 15 words/list study time: 2 s/word associates presented first, then fillers FMs # associates
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 11 Support for A-M Theory False Memories (FMs) increase with degree of list association. (Deese, 1959; Roediger, et al. 2001) FM increase with number of associates on list. (Robinson & Roediger, 1997) Blocked listed produce high rates of FMs than randomized lists. (McDermott, 1996)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 12 Effect of Blocking on CLs (McDermott, 1996, Exp 2) 3 DRM lists 15 words/list study time: 2 s/word Blocking FMs Blocking Hits
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 13 Problems w/ A-M Theory Empirical Problems: A-M Theory incorrectly predicts factors that increase hit rates will also increase FAs for CLs (see below). Theoretical Problems: Time course at odds w/ semantic priming Monitoring assumes FM requires very frequent errors of commission. Implication: reality monitoring very unreliable.
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 14 An Alternative: List-Gist/Recollection Failure Approach Two Main Assumptions: 1.Gist extracted during study & represented w/out external detail. 2.Recollection failure (i.e. the absence of recollective information in the presence of high familiarity) is sometimes treated as a memory cue.
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 15 An Alternative: List-Gist/Recollection Failure Approach List-Gist Extraction: during study: effort-after-meaning gist extraction gist represented in memory, without external detail gist reflects generalized meaning similarity between gist & CL meaning, a matter of degree
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 16 List-Gist Extraction & FMs Probability that gist will be extracted and/or that gist meaning of CL: # of related words (list length effect) degree of association proximity of related words (blocking)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 17 An Alternative: List-Gist/Recollection Failure Approach List-Gist during study: effort-after-meaning gist extraction gist represented in memory, without external detail gist reflects generalized meaning similarity between gist & CL meaning, a matter of degree Recollection Failure (Schacter; Brown, Buchanan, Cabeza) when: (gist CL meaning) + NO recollection: –recollection common: recollection failure “New” –recollection uncommon: recollection failure “Old”
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 18 Recollection Failure A Dual-Process– Weighted Cued Account 1. low familiarity new 2. recollection old 3. high familiarity ? ? + recollection failure FamiliarityRecollection List ItemsHigh yes Critical LuresHighno FoilsLowno
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 19 Dealing with Recollection Failure When recollection list is very common, the absence of recollection indicates item is “New” When recollection list is very rare, the absence of recollection has no bearing in recognition decision (which will be driven by familiarity)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 20 Factor A: P(recollection list ) weight for recollection failure P(FA critical items)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 21 Recollection Failure & FMs General prediction: –Factors that increase recollection, decrease FMs Note: A-M position makes the opposite prediction. Examples: study time
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 22 Effect of Study Time on CLs (Gallo & Roediger, 2002, Exp 3) 16 DRM lists 15 words/list Study time Interaction: FMs w/ study time Hits w/ study time
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 23 Recollection Failure & FMs General prediction: –Factors that increase recollection, decrease FMs Examples: study time presentation frequency
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 24 Effect of Repetition on CLs (Benjamin, 2001, Exp 1) 20 DRM lists 8 words/list study time: 4s/word Repetition Interaction: FMs w/ repetition Hits w/ repetition
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 25 Recollection Failure & FMs General prediction: –Factors that increase recollection, decrease FMs Examples: study time presentation frequency presentation format (picture vs words)
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 26 Effect of Presentation Format on CLs (Schacter, Israel, & Racine, Exp 2) 14 DRM lists 12 words/list study time: 1.5s/word presentation : auditory w/ –printed word –picture FMs w/ picture
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 27 Summary The Bottom Line: Factors gist = CL meaning, FMs Factors list-item recollection, FMs Supports List-Gist Recollection Failure Account
Psyco 350 Lec #20 – Slide 28 Memory Illusions Practical Importance: Clinical Forensic
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 29 The Recovered Memory Controversy
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 30 1.Background: The False Memory Hypothesis 2.Implanting False Memory 3.Forgetting CSA 4.The “Middle Ground” Position The Recovered Memory Controversy
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 31 The Recovered Memory Controversy Background: Adults report “recovering” forgotten memories of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). Memories often recovered during therapy. Profound emotional & legal repercussions
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 32 The Recovered Memory Controversy Assumptions – The Recovered (“true”) Memory Position: traumatic memories can be repressed/suppressed recovery techniques produce valid memories of real events. recovering forgotten CSA memories has therapeutic value.
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 33 Question Assumptions Do/can people repress/suppress memories of CSA? Can recovery techniques produce false memories? Does memory recovering CSA memories have therapeutic value?
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 34 Theoretical Response
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 35 Lindsay & Read (1994) Memory is fallible & subject to distortion. Relevant Phenomena: Misinformation Effect – blend facts & suggestion Source Amnesia – forget source of information Imperfect Reality Monitoring – mistaking imagined events for real ones Reconstruction – past events reconstructed from fragmentary details and schematic knowledge.
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 36 Clinical Practice (circa, 1990) When CSA suspected, recovery techniques employed (over sessions) Techniques: guided imagery hypnosis dream interpretation survivors’ groups uncritical acceptance of claims
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 37 False Memories of CSA “Memory recovery techniques may lead some clients to create illusory memories.” -- Lindsay & Read Imagined and/or suggested events can take on a realistic vividness and detail w/ extensive memory work.
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 38 The False-Memory Hypothesis
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 39 False Memories of CSA Step 1 – create CSA story Step 2 – elaborate on CSA story (suggestion, imagery, interpretation, hypnosis, social facilitation) Step 3 – forget or mistake origin of CSA story (source amnesia, failed reality monitoring). Implication: It should be possible to create FM in the lab.
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 40 Implanting False Memories
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 41 Implanting FMs /w Narrative Hyman et al. (1995) Issue: Can FMs be implanted using clinical techniques? Method: Preparation: Solicit event descriptions from parents Materials: – 3 “real” event descriptions –1 “false” event description (spill punch bowl at wedding)
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 42 Hyman et al. (1995): Procedure Phase 1: –Recall as much as possible about each event & continue to reflect outside of lab. 2-day delay Phase 2 – repeat procedure Phase 3 – repeat procedure
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 43 Hyman et al. (1995): Results true memories increase across phases false memories increase across phases –Phase 2 FM = 25% Accessing background knowledge predicts FM –FMS for 11 or 30 Ss who accessed BK –FM for 2 of 20 Ss who did not access
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 44 Hyman et al (1995): Sample FM Background Knowledge
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 45 Hyman et al (1995): Sample FM
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 46 Hyman et al. (1995): Results Accessing background knowledge predicts FM –FMs for 11 or 30 Ss who accessed BK –FMs for 2 of 21 Ss who did not access BK Interpretation: suggestion + BK + source confusion FM
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 47 Creating FMs w/ Photos: Wade, Garry, Read, Lindsay (2002) Method: 3 “real” childhood photos 1 doctored childhood photo Task: recall as much as possible three phases 1 week apart
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 48 Creating FMs w/ Photos: Wade, Garry, Read, Lindsay (2002) Results for False Photos: 1 st Interview: 30% FMs 3 nd interview: 50% FM Conclusion: Photos compiling for support of generating false event and accept false memory.
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 49 Implanted False Memories
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 50 Three Stages Required to Implant FMs Hyman & Loftus (1998) 1.Plausibility Assessment/acceptance source (family, experts) content (likelihood, consequentiality) 2.Memory Construction (creation of a plausible imagined event) Actively relate proposed event to self-knowledge Imagery, journaling, dream interpretation 3.Source Monitoring Error. Situational/social demands Delay Repetition
Psyco 350 Lec #20– Slide 51 Implanting FMs FM research: demonstrates FMs can be implanted refines techniques for creating FMs Ethical Question: Is it time for a moratorium on this type of work?