DANGEROUS KNOWLEDGE Beth Sargent Mason Doyle Madison Stanfield Morgan West
EXPLANATION OF THEME Dangerous Knowledge could be described as a weapon. Knowledge is power, we have always heard this but I had never really thought about how knowledge actually is power and that it could be used for good or for evil. When we say our theme is dangerous knowledge, we are saying how there are multiple examples of how knowledge has lead to dangerous circumstances throughout the novel.
EXAMPLES OF THEME One example of dangerous knowledge in literature could be found in The Fault In Our Stars when Hazel Grace found out that Augustus Waters’ cancer had returned. Up until that moment, despite all the negative things in her life, all was good in the world. When Augustus told her of the news, she instantly broke down and couldn’t function. This is an example of dangerous knowledge because the knowledge of Augustus’ cancer affected her life in a detrimental way.
EXAMPLES OF THEME A second example of dangerous knowledge could be found throughout the Harry Potter series. Throughout the series, Dumbledore and Professor Snape both know the prophecy and how in the end, Harry must die. In essence, Dumbledore was raising Harry for slaughter. This could be considered dangerous knowledge, because if Harry had known all along, his life could have been very different.
THESIS STATEMENT In the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley the theme of dangerous knowledge is portrayed through both Victor and the creature. The knowledge they gained throughout their lives is what ultimately brought them to destruction in the end. If an essay were to be written, it could go into detail on the description on what could actually be considered “dangerous knowledge” and it could go on to give examples from literature where this theme was used.
Now that the creature is unleashed on the world with no one to answer to, he can gain more knowledge with which we don’t know what he’ll do. Quote: “ I was dependent on none and related to none. The path of my departure was free, and there was none to lament my annihilation. My person was hideous and my stature gigantic. What did this mean? Who was I ? What was I ? Whence did I come? What was my destination? These questions continually occurred but I was unable to solve them.” (Shelley 117) If he had this mindset before he will have it again. The creature has already proven one that he needs no none else to live, when he was living on his own in the Hubble behind the cottage, he was continuously teaching himself how to live. This quote proves that the monster could continue his learning and become unstoppable.
The Creatures self taught knowledge could be considered dangerous, because if he had not became knowledgeable, he most likely wouldn’t have been able to commit the murders he had committed. Quote: “Do your duty towards me and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind.” (Shelley 86.) With his knowledge he became violent The creature is threatening Victor. He is saying he’s going to kill more people. The creatures knowledge has proven very dangerous, if he had not learned anything, he would basically be a baby and incapable of murder.
Victors quest for knowledge and glory is ultimately what killed him. All of victors life he wanted to take in all of the knowledge that was available to him so that he could be known. If victor was never educated, he wouldn’t have had the knowledge to create the monster. Quote: “I was to a great degree, self taught with regard to my favorite studies. My father was not scientific and I was left to struggle with a child's blindness, added to a students thirst for knowledge.” (Shelley 26.) He went against his father to continue knowledge. He thrived on knowledge. He wouldn’t stop trying to learn. He wanted to be the best. As I stated earlier in the topic sentence, if victor was not educated, he wouldn’t have created the creature.
Victors Knowledge of the monster being in the artic brought upon his death because if he didn’t know, the monster was there he wouldn’t have went. Quote: “I pursued him, and for many months this has been my task” (Shelley 194). He went looking for the creature. His one goal was to find him. Trying to fine the creature consumed victor. This shows how the knowledge of the creatures location proved dangerous for victors life.