Cross Support Transfer Services – Forward Frames Service 10 – 15 November 2014 London, United Kingdom John Pietras Global Science and Technology, Inc, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Background 2 Two drivers for Forward Frames service ISS uses AOS on the forward link. There is currently no CCSDS-standard data transfer service that is designed to support transfer of AOS space link data units NASA is implementing the Enhanced F-CLTU Experimental Specification (Orange Book) to provide near-term support to ISS The IOAG Solar System Internetwork (SSI) architecture anticipates a transition stage in which relay satellites relay BP bundles and IP datagrams to client spacecraft, but continue to use Space Packets for satellite operations A single space link may carry: o Some VCs bearing transfer frames containing relay satellite command data o Other VCs bearing BP bundles and IP datagrams destined for client spacecraft. These VCs are formed at the ground terminal of the space link Enhanced F-CLTU Orange Book provides some but not all of the capabilities of Forward Frames Supports ISS but not SSI IOAG also called out an intermediate “SLE” Forward Synchronous Frame Service that is essentially satisfied by FF-CSTS
3 Overview of Capabilities of FF-CSTS Three modes of operation Forward TC Frames Forward AOS Frames Forward AOS CADUs Mode is exclusively configured for the service instance provision period Forward TC Frames mode Transfers frames for one TC VC Service production includes coding of frames and multiplexing of TC frames from combinations of TC VCs sources into a single PLOP stream One or more FF-CSTS instances TC VC frame generators (bearing IP datagrams, BP bundles, CFDP-PDUs, etc.) Forward AOS Frames mode Transfers frames for one AOS VC Service production includes coding of frames, frame sync marker attachment, multiplexing of AOS frames from combinations of AOS VCs sources, and idle frame generation into a single physical channel Forward AOS CADU mode Transfers all “AOS CADUs” for one physical channel Service production includes idle CADU generation and insertion when necessary Provides least-common-denominator fixed-length synchronous transmission capability
4 Functional Group View of FF-CSTS
5 FF-CSTS and Space Internetworking
Functional Resources View of FF-CSTS and Associated Production 6 Only for TC Frame mode, when transmission is gated by CLCW link status
Readiness to Produce a CSTS Specification 7 Earlier attempt (circa 2011) was stopped due to inability of CSTS SFW procedures to provide needed capabilities CSTS SFW forward operations and procedures were subsequently updated with support for FF service specifically in mind Magnitude of effort TBD Much of the complexity of the FF service is in the specification of the service production SLE Enhanced F-CLTU Orange Book is a source of much production process specification EF-CLTU production specification already covers: o AOS frame coding, sync, and idle frame generation and insertion o AOS idle CADU generation and insertion o Gating of TC transmission based on CLCWs EF-CLTU production specification does not cover: o Coding of TC frames and multiplexing of TC frames from combinations of TC VCs sources into a single PLOP stream o Multiplexing of AOS frames from multiple sources