30-March-2015-cesg-1 Martin Suess (AD) Rick Barton (DAD) SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACES SERVICES (SOIS) AREA
30-March-2015-cesg-2 1. Application Support Services WG 2. Wireless WG 3. Onboard Deterministic Networks BoF (Spring 2015) SOIS Area Report - Current Working Groups The SOIS area covers onboard communication services with the intention of standardising H/W and S/W interfaces between avionics elements & devices. Wireless activities cover intra-spacecraft, proximity, AIV and RFID Onboard Deterministic Network BoF to determine and quantify the need for standardization around onboard deterministic protocols within CCSDS
30-March-2015-cesg-3 SOIS Area Report B. Meeting Demographics PlenaryDet Network BoFWirelessApp Suppt Svcs ASI CNES CNSA111 CSA 1 DLR ESA5523 INPE JAXA NASA10866 RFSA 1 UKSA1 1 Other TOTAL *2 via telecon; CSA & FSA Meeting Duration Agency Diversity4343
30-March-2015-cesg-4 SOIS Area Report - Onboard Deterministic Networks BoF SOIS Area Report - Onboard Deterministic Networks BoF Discussion Significant interest within ESA and NASA in the application of onboard deterministic networks for robotic vehicles, human vehicles, and launchers Deterministic networking is not yet addressed in SOIS service standards Need for standardization of exchange format defining properties specifying time-triggered scheduling - Should be accomplished by expanding definition of EDS - No need to standardize deterministic protocols within CCSDS. To be done by other standardization bodies (TTE, TTP, RapidIO, SpW-D, SpFi, Milbus, etc.) BoF recommendations SOIS Subnetwork WG to be reopened - Update existing books (normal 5-year update) - Define and include deterministic services in existing books - New green book mapping subnetwork services to the data link protocols SOIS Application Support WG - Mapping deterministic services to EDS and DOT books - Work to be coordinated with subnetwork WG - Exchange format defining properties of time-triggered scheduling - Revise SOIS services wrt new deterministic services - SOIS Userguide Green Book - How to incorporate time-space partitioning in distributed architectures - Mapping CFDP, DTN, etc. to SOIS services 4
30-March-2015-cesg-5 Application Support Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Application Support layer services and if appropriate protocols; develop supporting electronic data sheet schema and dictionary of terms Working Group Status Electronic Data Sheets Red Book & associated XML Schema - including CESG comments for agency review Common Dictionary of Terms Red Book & associated ontology - including CESG comments for agency review EDS and DoT Green book – updated according to internal WG review comments received Interoperability test for EDS and DoT – approach agreed, testing in preparation Significant personnel changes: Chris Taylor, Stuart Fowel and Felice Torelli departing, Joe Hickey (GRC), Marek Prochazka (ESA) coming on board Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: Resources affecting schedules and loss of experience due to change of personnel SOIS Area Report
30-March-2015-cesg-6 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Progress Two red books submitted for CESG approval Cross area meeting to work DTN interfaces to SOIS stack Discussion on needs for local file transfers in a distributed and/or partitioned architecture Planning Map deterministic network services to EDS and DOT books Work requires inputs from the Subnetwork WG Update schema to include exchange format defining properties of time-triggered scheduling for networks and software partitions New SOIS User’s Guide Green Book How to deploy SOIS to time-space partitioned and/or distributed architectures Mapping CFDP, DTN, etc. to SOIS APP services Map Fault Management needs to SOIS APP services (NASA NESC support) New Orange book on cFS mapping to SOIS APP services along with a publicly available implementation and accompanying tool-set SOIS Area Report
30-March-2015-cesg-7 Application Support Services WG Planning SOIS Area Report ActivityMilestonePlanned end date XML Specification for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices Blue book + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 Commonbook Dictionary of Terms for Onboard Devices Blue + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 EDS and Dot interoperability tests Yellow bookDraft v1Fall 2015 XML and DOT + SANA Agency review RB2 complete 2016 XML and DOT + SANA BB 1 Publication Green Book Publication year Subnet review BB Publication2017 XML and DOT + SANABB 2 Publication2020 SOIS User’s Guide Green Book (new work item)Green Book Publication2016 cFS mapping to SOIS (Orange book)Orange book PublicationTBD
30-March-2015-cesg-8 Wireless WG Goal : Develop wireless recommendations for onboard space applications Working Group Status : The Green Book update to integrate high-speed wireless communication technologies and use-cases has been submitted to CMC. The work on the “RFID Tag Encoding Blue Book”, with a lead from NASA & FSA and with ESA & CSA as participants, has been submitted to secretariat to be passed on the first Agency review in Spring This document has been reviewed by Agency stakeholders (e.g. Mission Integration and Operations Office, FSA, ESA), where the feedback has been incorporated in the submitted book. The work for the development of the “Wireless Local Area Network Blue Book”, with a lead from NASA & FSA and with ESA & CSA as participants, has started in Spring A set of driving use-cases has been defined and the workplan has been updated. SOIS Area Report
30-March-2015-cesg-9 Planning WWG RFID Encoding Blue Book: Spring 2015:Final draft#2 RFID Encoding Blue Book [completed] Release to Area Director [completed] Submission to Secretariat Fall 2015:Final Agency review completion First/second prototype development completion Spring 2016:CMC approval WWG Wireless Local Area Network Blue Book: Spring 2015:Initiation of standardization specification Fall 2016:Final draft#1 WLAN Blue Book Spring 2018:Final draft#2 WLAN Blue Book Release to Area Director Spring 2019:Final Agency review completion Fall 2020: First/second prototype development completion Winter 2020:CMC approval SOIS Area Report
30-March-2015-cesg-10 Subnetwork Services Working Group Goal: Preform the 5 year review of the Subnetwork Services Magenta Books; define and include services required for onboard deterministic networking Working Group Status: Working group needs to be reestablished Proposed WG leads WG Chair Glenn Rakow (NASA) DWG Chair TBD Planning: Review and update existing books (normal 5-year review cycle) Define and include services required for onboard deterministic networking in existing books Work deterministic networking to be coordinated with APP WG New green book mapping commonly used the data link protocols to subnetwork services (Mil 1553, SpW, CAN, SpFi, TTE, TTP, RapidIO) Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: WG needs to be reestablished, appropriate resources need to be allocated SOIS Area Report