Bellringer: Monday, December 1, 2014 Look at the writing prompt below. Decide which text structure would best suit this prompt. Write an informative essay that examines how native and introduced species have adapted to life in Australia. Compare & Contrast Definition Description Main Idea & Details Cause & Effect Problem & Solution Classification Sequence & Order
We will use… Compare/Contrast
Why? The prompt asks you to inform about two different items: Native species Introduced species It’s also a format that you’re familiar with. (Let’s dress for success.)
Let’s Read. Annotate for… Adaptations for life in Australia. One highlighter color for native species. A Second highlighter color for introduced species.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 When the bell rings, please: Be in your seat Have your Performance Assessment book Have something to write with And some notebook paper (including your sheet from yesterday)
Bellringer: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Copy down this time chart for the VLT on your paper from yesterday. Component Planned Time Read the prompt and pick a text structure 5 minutes Preview the text, Read, and Annotate 15 minutes Plan Write 60 minutes Revise Total 90 minutes
Additional Time Additional time for students who are absent, late, or receive accomodations: Tuesday, December 9, 2014, Lunch Tutoring Wednesday, December 10, 2014, Lunch Tutoring Thursday, December 11, 2014, Lunch Tutoring (for absences only)
Let’s Plan. Australian Fauna New to Australia
Today Move from Reading and Annotating to planning and writing. You will have 40 minutes to work on your practice VLT today Write an informative essay that examines how native and introduced species have adapted to life in Australia.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Today, you will need: Your Performance Assessment book Your essay A writing utensil Your essay should be completed today. Turn in your completed essay to the tray for your class. Write an informative essay that examines how native and introduced species have adapted to life in Australia.
Thursday, December 4, 2014 Today, you will need: Your performance assessment book A sheet of paper Writing Utensil
Conferences Quick Conference- Look at your essay Score your essay Talk about 1 great thing Talk about 1 opportunity for improvement
While I am conferencing… Turn to page 38. Read the 2 student examples. ON YOUR OWN SHEET OF PAPER: Complete page 42. Number it as follows: Topic Text structure 3. Focus 4. Supporting evidence 5. Domain-specific vocabulary 6. Text features 7. Claim 8. Evidence. When you’re finished, place it in the tray for your class.