1.Something that stands out about Starbucks is how easily recognizable its cups are. It’s amazing how many times you see them when you’re out and about. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the airport, at the mall, out for a walk in the park or anyplace else. 2. Consistently Convenient -Perhaps the reliability of the Starbucks experience is the key to winning over customers’ taste buds and loyalty. 3. Ambiance -At a price around $6for a tall (small) cup of coffee, and upwards of $20 for the fanciest drink 4. A Place For Everyone -Many would agree that Starbucks serves up a high-quality brew that helps them power through the day. 5.Smartest move Starbucks made with their app is the ability to load it with cash so you can pay by phone. It works just like having a gift card except you don’t need the gift card because you pay with the phone. 5 reason whyStarbucks areso popular
1. Starbucks is prepared to lose money in short run to nail rivals-Starbucks opens in high-concentration, “clustering”, in small districts. Then it sells at prices which put financial strain on small coffee shop. 2.It has a superlative range of products 3. Attention to detail- reflect that all this place does is sell coffee and cake.
1. Raspberry Cheesecake Mocha Frappuccino tasty treat 2. is equal parts decadent, delicious and refreshing. Made with the White Chocolate Mocha recipe, this Starbucks drink has shots of raspberry syrup and optional whipped cream and vanilla sprinkles. 3. Liquid Cocaine is served chilled with four shots of Espresso and four pumps of White Chocolate syrup. 4. Thin Mint-Flavor The company decided to create its own version of the thin mint-flavor with this adventurous Frappuccino. The minty drink is made of Tazo Green Tea Crème Frap, two pumps of chocolate syrup, one pump of mint syrup, java chips and honey 5. Nutella Drinks This is one of the most popular and delicious Secret Menu items from the coffee giant. The Nutella Drink uses Caffe Misto and mixes it with one pump of chocolate syrup, one pump of hazelnut syrup and caramel drizzle.
Starbucks' primary target market is men and women aged 25 to 40. They account for almost half (49 percent) of its total business. Young adults aged 18 to 24, total 40 percent of Starbucks' sales. Starbucks positions itself as a place college students can hang out, study, write term papers and meet people
1. I went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf today and had a nice experience. The staff was friendly and efficient. They have a stamp card program - one stamp per every dollar spent and then you get a free drink when the card is full. My favourite is the iced dark chocolate latte. 2. the food menu, much healthier and tastier than Starbucks. 3. Coffee bean and tea leaf have a drive thru. 4. Coffee Bean bought out the space and made their store bigger, which makes for more space to study or catch up with friends. 5. Product quality and price consistently very good. -coffee-bean- and-tea-leaf- pearl-city
1. You can buy the product online 2. Promotion of drinks 3. Coffee bean app to check your balance in your card, add money and check online order anytime
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf’s (CBTL) primary target market is men and women aged 18 to 40 as they tend to be frequent coffee & tea drinkers. The main appeal to this consumer age group is through quality roasted coffee and excellent service
1. Black Forest Ice Blended-a chocolate- cherry delight made from our delicious coffee extract blended with special Dutch chocolate power, milk, chocolate covered espresso beans, maraschino cherries and ice then topped with whipped cream 2. Hazelnut Iced Latte-A nutty twist on the ice blend drink made from the delicious coffee extract, hazelnut powder and milk blended with ice and topped with whipped cream. 3. Pure chocolate ice blended drinks –non-fat milk blend with special Dutch chocolate powder and ice then topped with whipped cream. 4. White chocolate dream latte- A freshly pulled shot of espresso with white chocolate dream powder, steamed non-fat milk and topped with thick foam and a drizzle of chocolate sauce
Target marketing is for men and women age 13 and above. It is for the teenage to study or hang out with their friend while they can buy some drinks and chilled. It is also a quite place for the adult or elderly to rest while taking some drinks like when they are meeting up people.
Green eye-Freshly pulled shot of espresso combined with brewed coffee for a complex flavor and intense aroma Frozen Mango- it is a mango blended with ice for a newly vivid burst of tropical mangoes Ice latte with chocolate powder- latte combined with chocolate powder over the ice. Cappuccino-steamed whole milk and think foam to offer a luxurious aroma.
Can pay through the app and order online and can have delivery service is quick and fast and staff is friendly and always smile A variety of range products
For member will have free drinks during birthday. Have space for teenage to study Promotion drinks every months Quality brew powder