Building Number Place Value
You are going to recap or learn: How to read and write large numbers written in digits. How to compare and order whole numbers. What skills should you have already? You need to be able to read, write and compare numbers up to 999. What’s It All About?
Read these numbers: 980 The position of each digit in the number makes a difference to its value. Nine hundred and eighty 908Nine hundred and eight 98 Ninety eight Recap on Place Value As the place value changes the number changes...
Recap on Place Value Remember – the position of a digit changes its value! Digits are grouped in threes... Read these numbers. Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits The decimal number system is based on the number 10…
Recap on Place Value Numbers don’t just “happen” - they have structure! 1 ten = 10 units 1 hundred = 10 tens 1 thousand = 10 hundreds and so on... Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits of these makes 1 of these 10 of these makes 1 of these 10 of these makes 1 of these 10 of these makes 1 of these 10 of these makes 1 of these
Recap on Place Value If there are more digits, the table needs more columns... Read these numbers. MillionThousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits Digits on the left are worth more than digits on the right.
Write this number in digits. Six hundred and two thousand five hundred and ninety. Writing a number in digits is easy if you picture the place value table: Writing Large Numbers Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits
4. Two million, three hundred thousand and seventy seven. 3. Seventeen thousand and thirty five. 2. Ninety one thousand six hundred and twenty one. 1. Four hundred thousand one hundred and sixty six Your Turn 5. Ten million, seventy one thousand four hundred and two
Comparing/Ordering Numbers Write the numbers in the correct order of size. Start with the smallest The 4-digit number is smallest...
Comparing/Ordering Numbers Write the numbers in the correct order of size. Start with the largest All the numbers have 6 digits, so compare from the left...
Your Turn Write the numbers in the correct order of size. Start with the smallest
Recall the place value table... Multiplying Integers by 10, 100 etc Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits 10
Multiplying Integers by 10, 100 etc Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits The zeros act as placeholders making sure the 5 is in the correct place value each time...
To multiply by 10, one place-holding zero is needed. How many place-holding zeros are needed to multiply by 100? How many place-holding zeros are needed to multiply by 1000? Is there a pattern? Multiplying Integers by 10, 100 etc Two Three
Again recall the place value table... Dividing Integers by 10, 100 etc Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits 10
Dividing Integers by 10, 100 etc Thousand HundredsTensUnitsHundredsTensUnits The place-holding zeros are removed each time the number is divided by 10 to move the 2 to the correct place value...
To divide a number that has place-holding zeros on the right by 10, one place-holding zero is removed. How many place-holding zeros must be removed to divide by 100? How many place-holding zeros must be removed to divide by 1000? Is there a pattern? Dividing Integers by 10, 100 etc Two Three
Your Turn Work out 100 = = = =
To divide a number that has place-holding zeros on the right by 10, one place-holding zero is removed. What if the number does not have any place-holding zeros to remove? Dividing Integers by 10, 100 etc