Higher English Prelim Revision
Monday 12th January 9am – 10.30am Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (30 marks) 11am – 12.30pm Critical Reading - Scottish Text (20 marks) Don Paterson poems - Critical Essay (20 marks) A Lady of Letters
Reading for U, A & E Two linked passages. Answer questions on Passage 1 One final 5 mark question on both passages Key areas for revision: Showing understanding Linking Analysing language (features of / use of) Effective conclusions Identifying key areas of agreement / disagreement
For revision: Past Papers (www.sqa.org.uk or available in dept.) Textbooks (available in dept. or on Amazon) BBC Bitesize website
1) Showing Understanding You will be asked to identify the writer’s ideas and explain the points that are being made. Where possible you should always use your own words (unless specifically instructed not to). Wording of typical ‘Understanding’ questions: Identify… Summarise… What was..? In what ways..? What evidence..? Why according to the writer..? Explain briefly… Explain in your own words… How does the writer demonstrate..? How does the context help you understand..?
2) Linking Link Function Questions Showing that you understand how a writer has made their argument flow from one idea to another. Being able to identify conjunctions which perform a linking function.
How to answer: QUOTE the word or words in the link sentence which refer to the previous topic. EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS what that topic was. QUOTE the word or words referring to the new topic. EXPLAIN IN YOUR OWN WORDS what the new topic is.
3) Analysing Language Analysis questions ask you to look at the features of language used by the writer, such as: Word Choice Sentence Structure Imagery Tone Contrast
Word Choice Word Choice Questions require you to explain the EFFECT of words chosen by the writer: The word(s) will often imply or suggest something (connotations). The words may have a particular tone (critical, questioning, angry, ironic, humorous, etc.) The words may be used to indicate a contrast. The effect might be to create a sound using alliteration, assonance or onomatopoeia.
Sentence Structure Sometimes students find the concept of sentence structure difficult to understand and even more difficult to explain in an answer. The first point to note is that the writer sets out ideas through the sentences. The sentences are structured (written) to present or highlight his/her ideas and arguments. The second point to note is that you gain little credit for merely identifying the structural features of the sentence. (Explain the structure and its effect and how it helps make the writer’s viewpoint clear to gain full marks.) Refer directly to the ideas referred to by the writer.
STOP! S hort / simple or long / complex sentences T ype of sentence O rder of words P atterns / Punctuation and think about the features you need to look out for!
How to answer a question on sentence structure: 1) Identify the feature of the sentence that you will be analysing. 2) Explain how the feature is used by the writer (use a quote). 3) Explain why the writer used this feature. (This is the key part of your answer – the part that will earn you any marks.)
Imagery You will be asked to identify and discuss images created using figures of speech (such as metaphors, similes or personification). You should quote the words that create the image. You should explain what is being compared and WHY (analyse the effect of the image - explain why the writer created the image / what are they describing).
Tone Identifying a writer’s tone can be difficult The tone may change throughout a passage Try to be specific when identifying a tone (avoid generalisations like ‘positive’ or ‘negative’) Think about what is being said and this may help you to identify HOW it is being said Things to consider: Word choice Parenthesis Punctuation Sentence structure
Contrast When dealing with contrasts, you must refer to both sides!
4) Effective Conclusions You will often be asked to explain why the conclusion to a passage is effective. In your response, you must: evaluate the effectiveness of the final paragraph as a conclusion to the passage as a whole. For full marks there must be appropriate attention to the idea of a conclusion.
What makes an effective conclusion? Relating back to previous ideas / tone / structures Emphasising a key theme or point raised elsewhere in the passage Summarising main ideas Continuing to involve the reader (You must discuss any of these points with REFERENCES / EXAMPLES / QUOTES in support.)
5) Identifying Key Areas of Agreement / Disagreement (See other presentation)