ntellicase There will be a short meeting for all Young Enterprise members today at 1.10 pm in Room 231. All members must attend.
SNOWSPORTS TRIP ITALY 2015 All pupils going on this trip MUST come to the PE Department during Thursday lunchtime to submit vital information. Miss Murray
All sports clubs will start back next week unless you hear otherwise from the teacher/coach. Sport council meetings will also resume next Thursday at lunch.
Dance Club Dance is back on Monday! 3.45pm-4.45pm in the Studio All dancers should come on Monday (S1-6)
ATTENTION ALL S6 AND STAFF Burns Supper tickets must be purchased by TOMORROW for it to go ahead. Tickets £8 from Events Management Class, Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford Money made will go towards reducing prom ticket prices, extras at the prom and a donation to a chosen charity. DRESS TO IMPRESS! TARTAN IS COMPULSORY
EVENTS MANAGEMENT GROUP MEMBERS Each member of the group needs to sell 10 tickets for the Burns Supper by Monday 12 January. If you do not have a bundle of tickets to sell, please see Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford ASAP.
Message for Art Students Higher and Nat 5 folios are available to be picked up from Art Department. Please see Mr Dolan.
Last call for your votes for the Yearbook Awards. Friday 9 January 2015 If you do not hand these in by Friday, your vote will not count. Please give these to Niall Morris, Matthew Robertson, Jack Lawrence and Jack Sutherland.
S5 A reminder that your Scottish Space School Application must be submitted by 18 January. If you need any help see Miss Wallerstein in Rm 123.