LOCATION: Absolute & Relative PLACE: Physical & Human Characteristics – What is it like?
Human-Environmental Interaction: How humans have used and changed it
Movement: The way people, goods and ideas travel from place to place.
Region: Common characteristics like physical or human features.
Egypt & 5 Themes of Geography LOCATION PLACE HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION MOVEMENT REGIONS Egypt & 5 Themes of Geography 29 (Copy in your notebook!)
Reviewing the 5 Themes of Geography Egypt: Gift of the Nile Reviewing the 5 Themes of Geography
LOCATION: Where is the Nile River? Where is the continent of Africa?
LOCATION: Where is the modern day country of Egypt?
LOCATION: Where is the Nile River LOCATION: Where is the Nile River? Can you name the geographical features nearby?
LOCATION: Where is the Nile River?
LOCATION: Where is the Nile River?
PLACE: What is it like in Egypt and Nile?
PLACE: What is it like in Egypt and Nile?
PLACE: What is it like in Egypt and Nile? The Nile makes up a very small percentage of Egypt’s land area. What is the rest of the land like?
PLACE: What is it like in Egypt and Nile?
PLACE: What is it like in Egypt and Nile?
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River? This night time satellite photo shows how crowded the Nile River valley and delta are. What are some of the human and environmental problems associated with overcrowding?
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River? In addition to the rivers and streams, this map demonstrates where there are irrigation canals. How does this demonstrate human impact on the environment?
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River? Reclamation Projects = ways of reclaiming or reviving water sources Dry farming = new methods of farming that require less water How are humans changing the environment to meet their needs?
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River?
HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River? The Black Land and the Red Land The domains of Lower and Upper Egypt consisted of two parts, the Black Land and the Red Land. The area next to the River Nile was called the Black Land, further away from the river was the Red Land. The 'Black Lands' were the farming areas on the banks of the Nile. The 'Red Lands' were the desert areas. Both were extremely important to the economy and civilization of ancient Egypt. The Black Land: Where nearly all ancient Egyptians lived. This was the only land in ancient Egypt that could be farmed because of the layer of rich, black silt and alluvial soil that was deposited every year following the annual inundation (flooding) of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians called the Nile river 'Ar or Aur' meaning “Black,” in allusion to the color of the deposits carried by the river when it was in flood. The Black Lands produced crops such as cereals, wheat and barley (for beer). Other vital plants included: Flax which was used to make linen and rope and Papyrus used to make paper, boats and maps. The Nile was also the source of a major supply of food – fish. The Red Land: Were virtually uninhabited. The red land protected Egypt on two sides and separated ancient Egypt from neighboring countries and invading armies. The Red Lands were rich in raw materials such as stone and precious metals such as gold, silver and copper and semi-precious stones.
How did ancient Egyptians use or change their natural environment? HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION: How have people changed & used the Nile River? How did ancient Egyptians use or change their natural environment?
MOVEMENT: How do goods & people move along the Nile River? Cataracts form just south of Lake Nasser in Nubia or Kush. How does this impact movement on the Nile?
REGIONS: What human or physical features does the Nile have in common with surrounding areas? Sahara desert
REGIONS: What human or physical features does the Nile have in common with surrounding areas? Egypt is part of a larger region of mostly Arabic and Muslim nations called the Middle East.
How do the three regions of Egypt differ? REGIONS: What human or physical features does the Nile have in common with surrounding areas? How do the three regions of Egypt differ? How are they similar? (Kush)
REGIONS: What human or physical features does the Nile have in common with surrounding areas? Black Lands & Red Lands
REGIONS: What human or physical features does the Nile have in common with surrounding areas? The Lower and Upper Egypt kingdoms/regions were united by the pharaoh Menes. “The hedjet or White Crown for Upper Egypt and the deshret or Red Crown for Lower Egypt. Thus, the pharaohs were known as the rulers of the Two Lands, and wore the pschent, a double crown, each half representing sovereignty of one of the kingdoms” (Wikipedia, “Upper and Lower Egypt”) Crown of Lower Egypt (North) Crown of Upper Egypt (South) Crown of United Egypt Pschent in hieroglyphics
Do you see examples of the 5 Themes of Geography in this photo? Egypt: Gift of the Nile Do you see examples of the 5 Themes of Geography in this photo?
Egypt & 5 Themes of Geography LOCATION PLACE HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION MOVEMENT REGIONS Egypt & 5 Themes of Geography 29