1Lou Somers Software Engineering Projects 2IP35 Autumn
2Lou Somers Today: kick-off n General information about the projects n Presentation by the customers n Groups subscribe to cases n Coupling of groups to cases
3Lou Somers General information n A real project n A real customer n A team consists of 8-10 students n Separate project and quality manager (students 2IP45) n Each team has an advisor (staff member) n Timing n Available time: 12 Ects 336 hours per person n Start: September 1, 2014 n Deadline: October 24, 2014 (eight weeks later) n Marking n General mark for group n Individual adjustment (peer reviews by group, managers, advisor)
4Lou Somers Organization
5Lou Somers Documentation n According to the ESA standard n Project documents: n SPMP: Software Project Management Plan n SVVP: Software Verification and Validation Plan n SCMP: Software Configuration Management Plan n SQAP: Software Quality Assurance Plan n Product documents: n URD: User Requirements Document n SRD: Software Requirements Document n ADD: Architectural Design Document n DDD: Detailed Design Document n SUM: Software User Manual n STD: Software Transfer Document n Project includes “provisional” acceptance, no maintenance n All product documents delivered to customer n All documents delivered to senior management
6Lou Somers Project planning
7Lou Somers Sprint planning
8Lou Somers Scrum
9Lou Somers Some project procedures n First requirements, than agile coding (scrum) n URD contains backlog list. n Some prototyping in early phase. n Tackle technical risks by advanced research n Formal review procedure of documents n Pre-check by advisor n Attention points from checklists n Customer involved in: n URD, SRD, SUM, and Acceptance Test review n Results and review metrics reported to senior management n Signature needed of customer and/or advisor n Reporting to management n Time metrics (weekly) n Progress (weekly) n Review metrics
10Lou Somers Management roles and tasks n Project manager / scrum master n Planning: chairs planning sessions, stand up meetings, demos and retrospectives n Organizes scrum board, keeps back log up to date n Takes care that management documents are written n Reports progress to senior management: n Weekly progress sessions n Weekly metrics (time tracking) n Quality engineer / manager n Checks quality of documents n Takes care that reviews are held n Takes care that a proper testing environment is set up by the group n Enforces “continuous testing” approach n Organizes peer reviews
11Lou Somers Devils triangle We have n Fixed budget n Fixed time
12Lou Somers Group work n Write project plans n Work according to plans n Registration of hours spent n Divide work into work packages n Choose replacements for project manager, librarian and quality engineer n Write product documents n Advisor “helps” n One person responsible for customer contacts n Contacts with senior management via project manager n Facilities n Project rooms: MF 3.061, n Network, (virtual) server
13Lou Somers Formal meetings n Weekly project meetings n Total team, circa 1 hour n Headed by project manager n Preferably also advisor present n In the scrum phase: replaced by sprint planning, demo, retrospective. n Weekly progress meetings n Project manager, quality engineer and senior management n 20 minutes for each group, Monday n Document reviews n General meetings n Intermediate presentation: September 29, 2014 n URD, (part of) SRD, prototype n End presentation: October 20, 2014 n Project overview, product demo
14Lou Somers Short term work n Define project name n Establish weekly meeting schedule n Contact between group and project manager n Contact advisor n Assign responsibilities n Write project plans n Look at examples from previous years (lead time decreased!) n Make inventory of available time (exams, holidays, …) n Start UR group (2-3 people) n Go to customer n Ask questions n Write iteratively versions of URD n Involve customer as much as possible n Set up development environment n Including configuration management n Perform research into technical questions n Read about scrum
15Lou Somers Customer presentations n Kees van Overveld n Michiel Seerden