Parthenon Metope 27 Drew Layton
Facts c BC Currently held in the British museum Found on the Acropolis Pentelic Marble Damage in the 1600s by a bombshell
Definitions Metope - a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze Triglyph - a tablet in a Doric frieze with three vertical grooves alternating with metopes Lapith - a member of a Thessalian people who fought and defeated the centaurs Centaur - a creature with the head, arms, and torso of a man and the body and legs of a horse
The story behind the Metopes About the Centauromachy, a battle between the Lapiths and Centaurs A Lapith weeding that was disrupted by the drunken centaurs who attempted to abduct the Lapith women Part of one myth suggests it was because the centaurs felt insulted because they were not invited to the celebrations Another they were invited by the Lapiths and just got drunk and rowdy This all resulted in the battle known as the Centauromachy
About the metope In this metope the Lapith is holding the centaur by the back of the neck and pulling him back Lapith possibly about to strike Centaur with right hand Showing the Lapith as superior to centaur Represents the Greeks triumph over their enemies?
About the Lapith Holding/Wearing a chlamys Lapith represents Greeks? Missing head so can’t see expression Looking at other metopes the Lapith’s have emotionless faces Realistic representation of a human? Heroic nudity
About the Centaur Represents everyone else? Persians? Other enemies Missing head so can’t see expression Centaurs were monsters and viewed lower than the Greeks Human part is well defined with veins and a rib cage
About the carving Deep carving, almost free standing at points The two figures have similar body positions Kind of a mirroring between the two bodies Opposing arcs of the Lapith’s body and the Centaur’s
Woodford says ‘The boldness of the design is matched by the quality of the execution: the telling depiction rippling muscles and tensed bodies contrasts with the geometric purity of the folds behind it’