ZOO 115 Invertebrate Zoology Subphylum Crustacea Part II
Class Maxillopoda Small crustaceans with a small trunk Subclasses http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/images/branchiura3.jpg Branchiura Ostracods http://museum.utep.edu/archive/arthropods/ostracod.jpg http://shiftingbaselines.org/blog/Barnacle.jpg Barnacles http://www.sacsplash.org/cimages/Copepod.jpg Copepods Mystacocarida Pentastomida Tantulocarida Thecostraca* Copepoda* Ostracoda* Branchiura*
Subclass Thecostraca (Barnacles) Most sessile Acorn http://www.werc.usgs.gov/news/2003-02-06b.jpg http://hthbiotech.sandiegostc.org/boat_channel/animals/w-barnacle.gif http://www.dereila.ca/dereilaimages/Gooseneck%20Barnacle.jpg Stalked (Gooseneck) Some Parasitic
Subclass Theostraca - Anatomy Sessile forms Shell (calcareous plates) for preventing dessiciation and protection Hermaphrodites Penis 15X body length http://www.mesa.edu.au/friends/seashores/images/barnacle2.jpg http://www.mesa.edu.au/friends/seashores/images/barnacle.gif http://www.forsea.org/bncle4.gif
Subclass Thecostraca Development Nauplius larvae Cypris larvae http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/imgjan99/naup.jpg http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/imgjan99/cypbar.jpg Cypris larvae
Subclass Thecostraca Economic importance http://www.ambio.bham.ac.uk/images/text%20images/barnacle2.jpg
Subclass Copepoda Number of species 2nd largest class in Arthropoda (Malocostraca 1st) with respect to number of species Possibly numerically the most abundant metazoans on earth. Size Most small 1-5 mm Some freeliving up to 17 mm Parasitic up to 32 cm http://www.biosci.ohiou.edu/faculty/currie/ocean/gallery/calanoid-copepod.jpg
Subclass Copepoda – General Anatomy http://www.sahfos.ac.uk/images/education/a_level/Images/Copepod%20morph.jpg Simple Median Eye Single median eye http://www.wsg.washington.edu/images/copepod.gif Distinctive narrowing of body at abdomen No abdominal appendages Caudal Rami Well developed caudal rami
Subclass Copepoda – Calanoid Live primarily in plankton both marine and freshwater 1st pair of uniramous Antennae for propulsion and flotation In males used to hold female for copulation 2nd pair of biramous antennae for propulsion Large oil sac in thorax for flotation and food reserves (often red or blue) http://www.biosci.ohiou.edu/faculty/currie/ocean/gallery/calanoid-copepod.jpg
Subclass Copepoda – Calanoid Suspension feeders 2nd pair of maxilla used for suspension feeding From Ruppert, Fox and Barnes (2004) Pareuchaeta norvegica (Foto: Hege Vestheim) http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/images/copepoda03.jpg Few are predators Few are omnivores Eats juvenile fishes
Subclass Copepoda - Harpacticoid http://www.bio.unc.edu/faculty/willett/lab/copepod2.jpg Tigriopsis californicus Most epibenthic most detrivores some predators some planktonic forms Also use large oil sac for flotation and food reserves (often red or blue) Some predators http://www.fish.washington.edu/people/cordell/images/Tisbe.JPG Tisbe sp. Swarms over small fish, eats fins then devours the body as it drifts to the bottom
Subclass Copepoda - Cyclopoid Most planktonic most predators some suspension feeders http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/micropolitan/fresh/arthropod/cyclops2.jpg Cyclops sp.
Subclass Copepod - Parasites Ectoparasites Psychrolutes sp (Fathead fish) Endoparasites
Subclass Copepoda Fertilization is internal indirect with spermatophore Males usually smaller than females Some brood eggs Some release eggs into sea http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/micropolitan/fresh/arthropod/cyclops2.jpg Cyclops sp.
Subclass Copepoda Nauplius larva Copepodid larva http://cyclot.hp.infoseek.co.jp/kenmiji/cyccop2.jpg http://www.serc.si.edu/labs/phytoplankton/guide/addtl_collections/Microzoops/Images/Copepod-nauplii-BEL.jpg Nauplius larva Copepodid larva Freshwater forms can create cysts to protect them in winter.
Subclass Ostracoda (seed shrimps) Found in freshwater and marine swim or crawl Most < 1mm Gigantocypris 25mm Enclosed in a bivalve shell but not hinged Ostracods http://museum.utep.edu/archive/arthropods/ostracod.jpg Eye
Subclass Ostracoda (seed shrimps) 1st antennae used for sensory but sometimes digging Swim (and sometimes walk) with 2nd antennae http://www.geo.arizona.edu/palynology/geos462/ostracod.gif
Subclass Ostracoda (seed shrimps) Nutrition Most suspension feeders some predators or scavengers Gigantocypris sp is known to feed on fish some deposit feeders http://www.senckenberg.de/images/Templates%20Paul/070305_gigantocypris.jpg
Subclass Ostracoda (seed shrimps) http://www.eeob.iastate.edu/faculty/DrewesC/htdocs/ostracods-11.jpg Large fossil record most extensive of any crustaceans continuous from Cambrian period
Subclass Ostracoda (seed shrimps) - Reproduction Most use bioluminescence to attact mates Fertilization is internal and direct some freshwater species are parthenogenic (like the Cladoceran Daphnia) Nauplius larvae
Subclass Branchiura (fish lice) Ectoparasites marine and freshwater fish In Argulus sp, large preoral spine connected to poison glands Can swim Copulation occurs on host but eggs deposited elsewhere http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/v9551e/V9551E38.jpg http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/images/branchiura2.jpg Suckers