Holy sprit is a person, 3 persons in evangelization
An Evangelizer positively affirms proclaims, witnesses, testifies. That Jesus Christ is the only solution for all the problems of this world. I
Jesus Christ who is alive the real God, SAVIOUR, Lord, Messiah for the whole world. II
Salvation is brought about by his DEATH, RESURRECTION AND GLORIFICATION. III
An evangelizer testifies that it is possible to live in a new way by giving a Testimony. IV
By the personal encounter change life and change the world. An Evangelizer does not teach: theories, ideas or Doctrines. Not defending God. Holy Spirit is an advocate. Story of Mukwashi in African language.
Evangelizer does not argue, manipulate or give any suggestion. Not converting. Not using any force or frightening the Evangelist Does not wait for the fruit of Evangelization. Jesus lives and I am his witness. He proclaims- Yes Lord I believe. Listen and responds to God.
Holy Spirit is the principal agent of Evangelization 1) Holy Spirit gives zeal for the gospel urges and uses for his works 2) Holy Spirit gives to the evangelizer power and love to the evangelized. 3) Holy spirit uses words and his qualities.
4) Instill faith to convenience Evangelist and converts (Philip, Peter the Samaritan women) 5) The evangelized and converts. Holy Spirit convicts that they are sinners and need salvation. 6) Proclaim Jesus as savior and lord lydya act.16/14- opens the heart, lips, lydya to welcome the word of God make effective, the word proclaims to turn to God and believe in Jesus Christ- proclaim and surrender
V The evangelized person… Listens and responds to God- Faith comes through hearing Rom 10 /13 Only an evangelized person responds to the word proclaimed. Interiorly and Exteriorly.
We confess that we are sinners and ask for forgiveness. He proclaims Jesus Christ as lord through out his life. He asks Jesus, the messiah for the gift of the Holy Spirit. He receives the Holy Spirit and does not dispute His doubts are legitimate He tries to receive as much possible and does not justifies himself.