LEARN Kyle Parsons Intern 2 Learn & Work Study Coordinator
An undergraduate student employment program designed to: Provide relevant work experience (internships) through on-campus employment Link jobs to a student’s curriculum; connecting academics to the work environment Provide a “Keeping it R.E.A.L.” internship experience Provide growth and promotion opportunities for students by utilizing three progressive levels and wage rates R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Interns work in areas related to their curriculum Supervisors are mentors, meeting monthly with students to discuss the R.E.A.L. student learning outcomes and to connect academics to their work experience Interns write and post on Chalk & Wire, an annual reflection addressing the “Keeping It R.E.A.L.” student learning outcomes Students prepare a resume or update a resume annually as their learning artifact for the R.E.A.L. experience R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Budget incentive Only 25% of wages from department Additional 75% paid from University accounts Maximum: 225 hours per semester Opportunity to hire and retain interns through a structured and steady pay rate $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Opportunities to work on campus where supervisors understand academic schedules and demands R.E.A.L. participation, adding to learning experience at Tarleton Resume building experience to get a head start on any chosen career R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Provide meaningful work assignments requiring effective communication and critical thinking skills. (Note: students work a maximum of 225 hours a semester) Share the mission and goals of the department with the Intern, Schedule monthly meetings, prompting discussion of the R.E.A.L.- internship student learning outcomes, Evaluate the Intern’s reflection piece on chalk and wire annually (usually at the end of the spring semester) R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Ensure the Intern completes the resume (artifact) requirement, Discuss the reflection evaluation, suggesting improvements as necessary (Intern must score a minimum of 3.5 for R.E.A.L. experience credit), Complete an annual performance review, Consider promotion opportunity for the Intern, if appropriate. R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY
Contact the Intern 2 Learn coordinator to determine if funding is available Develop the position and progressions with the Intern 2 Learn coordinator Post open positions on the Hire A Texan site, ensuring general job requirements are included Interview students and make selection Complete the PAF/EPA and HR documents for student employment PAF is submitted to Student Financial Aid for eligibility verification and account coding R.E.A.L. Keeping it TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY