Famous Latvian Women Tume Secondary School May 20-25, 2014 Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’
Sandra Kalniete a Latvian politician, author, diplomat and independence movement leader.Latvian politician served as Foreign Minister of Latvia 2002–2004 and as Ambassador to the United Nations (1993–97), France (1997–2000) and UNESCO (2000–02).Foreign Minister AmbassadorUnited NationsFranceUNESCO on the Delegation to the EU- Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’
Inese Galante Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’ A world famous soprano from Latvia In 1996 Galante moved to the Opera in Düsseldorf and also made her British debut.
Maria Naumova Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’ In 2002, she won the Eurovision Song Contest for Latvia with her song "I Wanna« in Tallin. Eurovision Song ContestI Wanna In 2005, she was chosen as the UNICEF goodwill envoy to Latvia. She is living in France with her family but still travels back and forth to Latvia.
Inga Kalna a successful soprano from Latvia. Seemingly without strain copes with most difficult coloratura reaching unimaginable pitches with sure intonation. has been a member of the Hamburg Opera ensemble Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’
Elina Shimkus Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’ After completing a Bachelor at the Jazeps Medins Music College in Riga, Latvian soprano continued her studies by taking part in master classes in Germany, Italy and Austria She has sung in the Opera Krakov in Poland and appeared at various festivals around Europe such as Düsseldorf, Trondheim, Riga, Valencia and Oslo.
Laima Muktupavela-Kota Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’ a famous Latvian prose writer and novelist was awarded the Annual Prize for Literature in 2002 and the Grand Prix at the Prose Readings Festival in Married to Turkish poet Lives in Turkey, Istanbul
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’ the sixth President of Latvia and the first female President of Latvia. She was elected President of Latvia in 1999 and re-elected in 2003.sixth President of Latviafemale PresidentLatvia active in the international arena and continues to speak in defense of liberty, equality and social justice, and for the need of Europe to acknowledge the whole of its history. known for her work in psycholinguistics, semiotics and analysis of the oral literature of her native country.
Thank Comenius Multilateral School Partnership ‘’Citizen of Care-land’’