TEMPLATE DESIGN © KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE ON EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION Kyaw Htin Thet, Saw Kler Ku Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Central Women's Hospital, Mandalay, Myanmar. Objectives ResultsConclusions References 1.Aneblom G, Larsson M, Odliral V and Tyden T (2002). Knowledge, use and attitudes towards emergency contraceptive pills among Swedish women presenting for induced abortion: BJOG : 207, Annual Statistics (2011). Central Women's Hospital, Mandalay. 3. Bhathena RK and Guillebaud J (2011). Review: Postcoital contraception: The journal for continuing professional development from the RCOG, 13, Finch BE and Green H (1963). Contraception through ages; Charles C Thomas, 1 st edition, Springfield Illlnois, Grimes DA and Raymond EG (2002).Emergency contraception: Annals of Internal Medicine, 137(3), Kenny L (2004). Emergency Contraception: In Luesley M & Baker PM (Eds): An evidence-based text for MRCOG; 1 st edition, Arnold, New York, Mya- Mya (1980). Abortion a Problem; Burma Medical Journal. 26:4, Tajure N and Pharm B (2010). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Emergency 9. World Health Organization (2008). Unsafe Abotion; Global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2008; sixth edition, 14. Methods OPTIONAL LOGO HERE To identify the socio-demographic factors of the patients admitted to CWH, Mandalay with induced abortion. To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice on emergency contraception in the patients admitted to CWH, Mandalay with induced abortion. Objective : to identify the socio-demographic factors and to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice on emergency contraception in the patients with induced abortion who were admitted to CWH, Mandalay. hospital based cross-sectional descriptive study at Central Women’s Hospital, Mandalay, Myanmar. from 1 st February, 2012 to 31 st January, women who were interviewed face to face by the researcher in an atmosphere of privacy in a nonjudgmental manner about demographic characteristics and knowledge, attitude and practice on emergency contraception. Age of the women ranged from years. The largest group is years of age group (26.36%) educational levels of patients, most of them (36.36%) had primary school level and 25.45% had high school level. Only 6.36% were illiterate and 11.82% were graduated. For occupational level, most of them (55.45%) were housewives. Distribution according to their awareness on emergency contraception among the study population Distribution of patients according to practice on emergency contraception in the past among the study population This study showed that the awareness of emergency contraception among the patients with induced abortion was low. Even among those who were aware, the detail knowledge and practice of emergency contraception was very low. There is a need to educate the reproductive aged women about emergency contraception, with available methods and correct timing of use. There should be promotion of emergency contraception to enhance their use and making them easily accessible. Moreover, health education program should be set up to avail accurate information about emergency contraception. I. KNOWLEDGE III. PRACTICE II. ATTITUDE Regarding the attitude, most of the patients (88.18%) agreed that they should consult with a skillful person prior to use and majority of the patients (96.36%) agreed to consult when something happened during the use. Most of the patients accepted that emergency contraception is good for maternal health. Major portion of the patients (61.82%) did not agree to the statements that “abortion is one of the methods of emergency contraception” and also to the statement that “emergency contraception is abortifacient”. Among the patients, 96.36% did not agree to the statement that emergency contraception is against religion, culture and nature. Therefore, the attitude on the emergency contraception in this study is satisfactory.