Pre Conference Seminars 1 Introduction to Data Models and Geodatabases Steve Grisé
Pre Conference Seminar2 Geodatabases More closely represent real world objects than previous GIS data modelsMore closely represent real world objects than previous GIS data models Provide a starting point for more sophisticated data models based on a more natural approachProvide a starting point for more sophisticated data models based on a more natural approach Rely on geography and rules to define relationships, not just primary and foreign keysRely on geography and rules to define relationships, not just primary and foreign keys Users and Programmers don’t need to manage atomic data elements/topology, they manage the objects and relationships insteadUsers and Programmers don’t need to manage atomic data elements/topology, they manage the objects and relationships instead
Pre Conference Seminar3 Polygon Line Point Annotation Inside the Geodatabase Route Annotation Dimension Feature classes, subtypes Relationship classes Topology Geometric networks Feature dataset Polygon Line Points Terrain datasets Raster datasets Validation rules Default values Attribute domains Split/Merge policy Connectivity rules Relationship rules Topology rules Tables, subtypes Attributes Representations Network datasets
Pre Conference Seminar4 ArcGIS Server includes ArcSDEArcGIS Server includes ArcSDE Workgroup GeodatabasesWorkgroup Geodatabases –SQL Express File GeodatabaseFile Geodatabase –Fast –Cross Platform Personal GeodatabasePersonal Geodatabase –MS Access –SQL Express Embedded Database Engine Enterprise GDB FileGDB Workgroup GDB ArcGIS Personal GDB ArcSDE Simple Geodatabase Options
Pre Conference Seminar5 Geodatabase Datasets Dimensions Cadastral Networks Surveys Addresses Annotation Vectors 3D Objects Topology CAD Images Terrain Attributes Cartography
Pre Conference Seminar6 Objects and Object Classes Objects are entities with properties and behavior.Objects are entities with properties and behavior. An object is an instance of an object class.An object is an instance of an object class. All objects in an object class have the same properties and behavior.All objects in an object class have the same properties and behavior. An object can be related to other objects via relationships.An object can be related to other objects via relationships. A row stores an Object A table stores an ObjectClass
Pre Conference Seminar7 Builds on the Relational ModelBuilds on the Relational Model A feature is a spatial object.A feature is a spatial object. A feature is an instance of a feature class.A feature is an instance of a feature class. Extended the relational model withExtended the relational model with –Geometry attribute types Features and Feature Classes A feature class is a table of rows, where each row has a geographic column
Pre Conference Seminar8 Geodatabase Supports Advanced Geometry Points, lines, polygons, text, and surfacesPoints, lines, polygons, text, and surfaces Single and multipart featuresSingle and multipart features Flexible coordinatesFlexible coordinates XY, Z, M, True CurvesXY, Z, M, True Curves Continuous coverage (not tiled)Continuous coverage (not tiled) One record in feature class table Feature with many parts
Pre Conference Seminar9 Feature Datasets A container for feature classes with the same spatial referenceA container for feature classes with the same spatial reference Analogous to a coverageAnalogous to a coverage –Less restrictive Contain geometric networks and topologiesContain geometric networks and topologies –Optionally relationship classes ParcelCorner Parcel ParcelAnno LotLines Parcel_Topo LotDimension Subdivision BoundaryLine
Pre Conference Seminar10 Domains Describe the legal values of a field type.Describe the legal values of a field type. –Used to ensure attribute integrity Can be shared among classesCan be shared among classes Transfer with the geodatabaseTransfer with the geodatabase Types of domains:Types of domains: –Range -A tree can have a height between 0 and 300 feet. -A road can have between one and eight lanes. –Coded value (e.g., a set) -A tree can be of type oak, redwood, or palm. -A road can be made of dirt, asphalt, or concrete.
Pre Conference Seminar11 Subtypes Partition the objects in a class into like groups.Partition the objects in a class into like groups. Defined by the value of a subtype field.Defined by the value of a subtype field. –Have the same attribute schema –Have the same behavior schema –Can have different default values and domains for each field –Can define topology rules between subtypes Descriptions Codes
Pre Conference Seminar12 An association between two object classes.An association between two object classes. –A class may participate in multiple relationship classes. Related objects can message each other.Related objects can message each other. –Origin to destination, destination to origin, both, neither. –Can trigger behavior (cascade delete, move to follow, custom, etc.) Associate rules with relationship classes.Associate rules with relationship classes. Relationship Classes
Pre Conference Seminar13 feature class annotation feature class composite relationship class Topanga Canyon Sacramento Placerville 94 Sacramento 95 Topanga Canyon 92 Placerville An example of a graphic feature classAn example of a graphic feature class Annotation feature classes may beAnnotation feature classes may be –Feature linked –Non-feature linked Composite relationship manages linkComposite relationship manages link Can store text as well as other graphicsCan store text as well as other graphics –Lines, arrows, boxes, etc. Maplex labeling integrated into ArcGISMaplex labeling integrated into ArcGIS Annotation
Pre Conference Seminar14 Type of annotation that displays specific distances on a map Type of annotation that displays specific distances on a map Graphic features stored in a dimension feature classGraphic features stored in a dimension feature class “Smart” feature“Smart” feature –Special drawing –Special editing Dimension Features
Pre Conference Seminar15 Object Behavior Class extensions Rules Domains Subtypes Datasets
Pre Conference Seminar16 Architectural Direction – n Tier, Server-Based PresentationTier (multiple viewers) Globe Services Map & Chart Services Image- Processing Services Open Web Services Tracking Services Serving/PublishingTier AuthoringTier 2-DViewers 3-D Viewers Viewers Catalog Services Geo- Processing Services Network/Enterprise Service Bus COP
Pre Conference Seminar17 ArcGIS Data Models Templates for Many Fields... Help Users Get Started... Support Consistent Standards AddressAddress AgriculturalAgricultural AtmosphericAtmospheric Base MapBase Map BiodiversityBiodiversity Census-AdminCensus-Admin BoundariesBoundaries Defense-IntelDefense-Intel Energy UtilitiesEnergy Utilities EnvironmentalEnvironmental ForestryForestry GeologyGeology GroundwaterGroundwater HealthHealth Historic PreservationHistoric Preservation & Archaeology Homeland SecurityHomeland Security HydroHydro IHOIHO Land ParcelsLand Parcels Local GovernmentLocal Government MarineMarine National CadastreNational Cadastre PetroleumPetroleum PipelinePipeline TelecommunicationsTelecommunications TransportationTransportation Water UtilitiesWater Utilities ArcHydro
Pre Conference Seminar18 Role of Data Model Templates
Pre Conference Seminar19 Design Approach Application-Driven Design meansApplication-Driven Design means –Understanding the Geo-information needs required to support business processes –Documenting the information products and layers required –Creating Application/Data matrices to document the high-level information needs
Pre Conference Seminar20 Components of a GIS Data Model Business Needs Applications & Information Products Layers Datasets Maps, Reports, Views, Tools, Web Services Layer Files, Map Elements, Labels Tables, Simple Features, Raster, Networks, Terrains, …
Pre Conference Seminar21 GIS Design Methods Conceptual Data Model InformationProducts Logical Implementation EntitiesAttributesRelationships Maps and Globes Layers Web Services Implementation choices Implementation details Datasets, Maps, Layers Tools Deployment and support
Pre Conference Seminar22 Contact Information