Quality of Telecommunication Services - Brazilian Regulatory Framework Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil ITU Workshop on “Quality.


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Presentation transcript:

Quality of Telecommunication Services - Brazilian Regulatory Framework Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil ITU Workshop on “Quality of Service of Regulatory and Operational Issues” (Dubai, UAE 2-3 November 2014)

Why to regulate quality? Continental territory and 200 million inhabitants High population concentration at the coastal region Strong socioeconomic differences between regions Defficitary telecommunications infrastructure at small and medium cities (pop. < ) Lack of competition in service provision at small cities.

Focus of the Quality Regulation Customer Perception Survey Specific indicators related with the provision of Fixed and Mobile Broadband. Broadband Assess the key aspects and requirements for delivering an adequate service. Network Quality of Customer Services, including their perception about the service provision. Customer Services Consumer complaints about the provision. Measure aims to provide trend. Consumer complaints about the provision. Measure aims to provide trend. Customer reaction Quality Management Regulation No. 574/2011 (fixed) and 575/2011 (mobile) lesgislacao.anatel.gov.br Regulation No. 574/2011 (fixed) and 575/2011 (mobile) lesgislacao.anatel.gov.br

Customer reaction Customer Services Comparative Indexes Comparative Indexes SMP1 (Complaints on Operator) SMP2 (Complaints in Anatel) SMP3 (Voice Call Completions to Operators Call Centers) SMP1 (Complaints on Operator) SMP2 (Complaints in Anatel) SMP3 (Voice Call Completions to Operators Call Centers) SMP12 e SMP12>60s (Waiting time to speak with attendant of the call center) SMP13 e SMP13>10d (Response time to requests from customers in the call center) SMP14 (Waiting time in the personal customer service centers) SMP12 e SMP12>60s (Waiting time to speak with attendant of the call center) SMP13 e SMP13>10d (Response time to requests from customers in the call center) SMP14 (Waiting time in the personal customer service centers) IDA (Customer Service Performance Index) IDQ (Quality Indicators Performance Index) IDA (Customer Service Performance Index) IDQ (Quality Indicators Performance Index) SCM1 (Complaints on Operator) SCM2 (Complaints in Anatel) SCM3 (Reopened Complaints on Operator) SCM1 (Complaints on Operator) SCM2 (Complaints in Anatel) SCM3 (Reopened Complaints on Operator) SCM10 (Waiting time to speak with attendant of the call center). SCM11 (Waiting time for installation of the service). SCM12 (Network Repair requests). SCM13 (Resolution time for network repair requests) SCM14 (Resolution time for all requests made in personal customer service centers) SCM10 (Waiting time to speak with attendant of the call center). SCM11 (Waiting time for installation of the service). SCM12 (Network Repair requests). SCM13 (Resolution time for network repair requests) SCM14 (Resolution time for all requests made in personal customer service centers) Focus Mobile (voice and data) Indicators Fixed Broadband Indicators Customer Reaction Customer Services Focus Quality of Service Indicators

Voice Network Data Network SMP4 (Voice Call Completion) SMP5 (Traffic Channel Alocation) SMP6 (Text Message Delivery) SMP7 (Dropped-call rate) SMP4 (Voice Call Completion) SMP5 (Traffic Channel Alocation) SMP6 (Text Message Delivery) SMP7 (Dropped-call rate) SMP8 (Successful data Connections) SMP9 (Dropping in Data Connections) SMP10 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) SMP11 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement) SMP8 (Successful data Connections) SMP9 (Dropping in Data Connections) SMP10 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) SMP11 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement) SCM4 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) SCM5 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement) SCM6 (Bidirectional Latency) SCM7 (Jitter) SCM8 (Packet Loss Rate) SCM9 (Availability) SCM4 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Instantaneous measurement) SCM5 (Compliance with Contracted Speed – Average measurement) SCM6 (Bidirectional Latency) SCM7 (Jitter) SCM8 (Packet Loss Rate) SCM9 (Availability) Focus Mobile (voice and data) Indicators Fixed Broadband Indicators Data Network Focus Quality of Service Indicators

Data Network Indicators 20% of the contracted speed (1st year) 30% of the contracted speed (2nd year) 40% of the contracted speed (3rd year and ahead) Instantaneous Speed (fixed and mobile) SMP10 e SCM4 60% of the contracted speed (1st year) 70% of the contracted speed (2nd year) 80% of the contracted speed (3rd year and ahead) Average Speed (fixed and mobile) SMP11 e SCM5 Target: less than 80ms (terrestrial) and 900ms (satellite) Bidirectional Latency (fixed) SCM6 Target: less than 50ms Jitter (fixed) SCM7 Target: less than 2% Packet Loss Rate (fixed) SCM8 Target: more than 99% Availability (fixed) SCM9

Private entity chosen by the Operators and Anatel, and contracted by the Operators Responsible for Mobile and Fixed Data Network indicators measurement Entity: PwC (Samknows) Quality Measurement Entity (EAQ) Measurement device installed at user’s home (volunteers) Web-based tests and App for Android and IOS Drive-Tests Measurement always from user’s network to Regional Traffic EXPs (outside operators network) How to measure? Sampling plan difined by Anatel each year. Where to measure? Data Network Indicators

User’s Perception Survey SMP15 (Requests Resolution Capacity) SMP16 (Attendant Competence) SMP17 (Operators Competence and Organization) SMP18 (User Guidance Capacity) SMP19 (Billing Procedures) SMP20 (Call Quality) SMP15 (Requests Resolution Capacity) SMP16 (Attendant Competence) SMP17 (Operators Competence and Organization) SMP18 (User Guidance Capacity) SMP19 (Billing Procedures) SMP20 (Call Quality) SCM15 (Requests Resolution Capacity) SCM16 (Attendant Competence) SCM17 (Operators Competence and Organization) SCM18 (User Guidance Capacity) SCM19 (Billing Procedures) SCM20 (Technical Support Competence) SCM15 (Requests Resolution Capacity) SCM16 (Attendant Competence) SCM17 (Operators Competence and Organization) SCM18 (User Guidance Capacity) SCM19 (Billing Procedures) SCM20 (Technical Support Competence) Focus Mobile (voice and data) Indicators Fixed Broadband Indicators User’s Perception Survey Focus Quality of Service Indicators Survey made by a partner specialized in user’s survey TNS Brasil was chosen by Operators Questionnaire developed together by Anatel, Operators and TNS Brasil How to assess user’s perception? Defined annually by Anatel with users from all regions Mobile: differing surveys for prepaid and postpaid users Fixed broadband: different surveys for users of up to 2Mbps and more than 2Mbps data plans Confidence Interval: 95% Sampling Plan

Ranking Operators by Quality Quality reports are made by Anatel each month Operators are ranked in each Brazilian State (27) Reports comparing operators are periodically published on the Anatel website and other media

Thank you! Tiago Sousa Prado - Anatel/Brazil Dubai, November 2014