1-5 CAV Mission 1-5 CAV conducts the LVC-IA GAT and FUA at FHTX during the 4th QTR FY 12 IOT test, validate, and provide feedback on LVC-IA, while conducting training in preparation for major combat systems gunnery. Commander’s Intent Purpose: Conduct realistic training that supports the 1-5 CAV campaign plan while conducting Live, Virtual and Constructive Integrated Architecture (LVC-IA) GAT and FUA IOT allow the US Army to complete the procurement of the necessary systems. Key Tasks: - “3 C’s” with PEO-STRI and FT Hood Civilians/Contractors - Incorporate the CAV Big 8 - Capitalize on the exercise to enhance CO and below training - Certify TOC operations Endstate: LVC-IA strengths and limitations identified, Black Knights trained IAW Campaign Plan, and poised to conduct gunnery.
1-5 CAV CCIR Deadline of two or more combat vehicles in one platoon Loss of crew member or loss of valid crew status Tasking that will adversely affect units’ ability to conduct GAT or FUA Self-induced connectivity issue that impacts ability to conduct GAT or FUA Change in test that impacts ability of the BN to achieve training objectives
1-5 CAV GAT TASK ORG WK I: Virtual Testing (9-13 JUL) WK II: Virtual and Live Testing (16-20 JUL) WK III: 96 Hour Exercise (23-26 JUL) VIRTUAL LIVE
1-5 CAV FUA TASK ORG WK I & II: Thread & Vignette Testing (10-14 & SEP) VIRTUAL LIVE Week III: 96 Hour Exercise (24-28 SEP)
BN METL Execute the Operations Process Perform ISR Conduct Offensive Ops Conduct Defensive Ops Conduct Stability Ops BN METL Execute the Operations Process Perform ISR Conduct Offensive Ops Conduct Defensive Ops Conduct Stability Ops AR CO METL Conduct Movement to Contact Breach an Obstacle Conduct Attack Conduct Defense Occupy an Assembly Area AR CO METL Conduct Movement to Contact Breach an Obstacle Conduct Attack Conduct Defense Occupy an Assembly Area FSC CO METL Establish BSA Provide Distribution and Transportation Provide Field Maint. And Recovery Provide Food Service Support FSC CO METL Establish BSA Provide Distribution and Transportation Provide Field Maint. And Recovery Provide Food Service Support HHC CO METL Provide Indirect Fires Conduct Reconnaissance and Security Plan and Prepare Ops Evaluate and Treat Casualties HHC CO METL Provide Indirect Fires Conduct Reconnaissance and Security Plan and Prepare Ops Evaluate and Treat Casualties IN PLT BT React to Contact Conduct PLT Attack Defend a Battle Position Conduct Overwatch/Support by Fire IN PLT BT React to Contact Conduct PLT Attack Defend a Battle Position Conduct Overwatch/Support by Fire AR PLT BT Conduct an Attack By Fire Conduct Overwatch/Support By Fire Execute Actions on Contact Conduct Deliberate Occupation of a Platoon BP Contact Tactical Movement Assault an Enemy Position AR PLT BT Conduct an Attack By Fire Conduct Overwatch/Support By Fire Execute Actions on Contact Conduct Deliberate Occupation of a Platoon BP Contact Tactical Movement Assault an Enemy Position DISTRO PLT BT Conduct LOGPAC Conduct ROM EST ATAP Conduct Areal resupply DISTRO PLT BT Conduct LOGPAC Conduct ROM EST ATAP Conduct Areal resupply MAINT PLT BT Perform Recovery Operations Establish UMCP Conduct Class IX Exchange Conduct Maintenance Control MAINT PLT BT Perform Recovery Operations Establish UMCP Conduct Class IX Exchange Conduct Maintenance Control MTR PLT BT Conduct Occupation of a Mortar Firing Position Provide IDF Conduct Tactical Movement Conduct FDC Ops MTR PLT BT Conduct Occupation of a Mortar Firing Position Provide IDF Conduct Tactical Movement Conduct FDC Ops SCT PLT BT Conduct an Area/Zone Recon Conduct a Route Recon Conduct Passage of Lines Conduct a Screen provide Area Security Conduct Sniper Ops SCT PLT BT Conduct an Area/Zone Recon Conduct a Route Recon Conduct Passage of Lines Conduct a Screen provide Area Security Conduct Sniper Ops MED PLT BT Conduct Medical Platoon Operations Support Line Medics MED PLT BT Conduct Medical Platoon Operations Support Line Medics GAT/FUA Training Objectives DFAC/HQ Set up Field Kitchen Provide coordinated sustainment DFAC/HQ Set up Field Kitchen Provide coordinated sustainment IN CO METL Plan and Prepare Operations Conduct Deliberate Attack Conduct Movement to contact Conduct a Defense IN CO METL Plan and Prepare Operations Conduct Deliberate Attack Conduct Movement to contact Conduct a Defense
Black Knight FY 12 Campaign Plan
1-5 CAV GAT/FUA Contacts CPT FennellAS3 Plans CPT VanceAS3 Plans WO1 Hafford, DanielNet Tech 2-1 CD CW2 Feltner A/1-227 Brown, KeithSite Lead Tucker, BillSAF Tech Killoran, FrankDeveloper Stilley, AndySite Manager AVCATT/CCTT Corbin, FredTest Analyst DPTMS, III Corps Gustafson, ScottSite Lead Caldwell, StephenTest Lead LVC-IA PM LVC-IA PoR MAJ Donaldson MAJ Mackey MAJ Yildiz LTC Cipolla Brock, Stephen Saluto, Mike MCTC Albright, RobTesting NSC Gregson, JeffFSR Hefner, RobertTechnical Operator Schneider, RobertFielding Lead Wintercorn, MatthewTechnical Operator PEO-STRI Cohen, RobertHITS AO MAJ Dougherty, J.Planner TCM