IASCON. TLX – EXPERT TELEMETRY J.A. Casla, J. Arguinchona, J. Vergara Ingeoman, S.L. and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Navegation and Marine Engineering Departament. Portugalete, Bizkaia, Spain INTRODUCTION The monitorization, maintenance and control of industrial plants and processes by telemetric control systems is today an expanding and efficient technology, much more, when complex or critic processes are involved, and specially in remote plants or when technical or engineering decisions must be taken from remote places. This is a description of the TLX applications oriented to the Tele-monitoring the on board systems of a ship in order to implement a proactive maintenance and reengineering operations. ATD Data Acquisition and Data Transfer has two main functions: – Data acquisition: communicates with on board instrumentation through the Ship IAS (Integrated Automatic System). Is designed with a data acquisition capability of 256 analogical signals with a 16 bits resolution, and up to 500 logic signals with a sampling frequency until Hz. (every 0.5 Sec.). Data acquisition parameters can be settled by remote control allowing different sampling frequencies for the different families and groups of signals. - Data transfer: each IAS data sample is pre-processed and turned into “ Temporary Data Pack ” to be transmitted to the shore server. This data pre- process consists mainly in standarization, data compression and encryptation. The communication with the server is made with error control and data reception acknowledgment, and can be done via Internet or any other public or private net accepting IP protocols. Data transfer is asynchronous in reference to sampling frequencies of data acquisition in order to achieve a more effective use of the Internet connection Resolutions: 10, 12, 16 bits Samples: 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 sec Up to 512 signals Communications: Internet, Lan, Mobile Telephony, Satellite Industrial Interfaces: OPC-DA, Industrial Buses Data adquisition in Real-Time Preprocessing and Data Compression Data Transport ATD TRANSPORT & DATA ADQUISITION SHIPOWNER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS Communications: Internet Local Area Networks Private Networks Satellite (IP) Mobile Telephony SRV COMMUNICATION SERVER TELEMETRY SERVER DATA BASE TELEMETRY Fig.1 System Fig.2 Monitoring Ship 1 Ship 2 Ship 3 Applications: Telemonitoring Telemaintenance ProActive maintenance Expert Engineering Reengineering Telecontrol Recovery Telemetry Data Real-Time ING TELEMETRY APPLICATIONS Shipyard Shipowner Equipment Supplier INGEOMAN Fig.3 Calculations SRV Communications-Server and Data Base Server: Basically is an Communications-IP Server associated to a specific Data Base Server for telemetric data. On one hand, SRV receives and validates the ship based telemetric Internet communications and registers the information in his Data Base. On the other hand, SRV deals with the consulting and request communications and serves data to the different Programmes and Modules, grouped under the name ING, placed at work stations with connections to de server trough LAN or Internet. ING, uses the available telemetric data, supplied from de server, to post-process data, to display it up, or for specifics analysis. SRV is the data flow centre, for all telemetric data originated in different ships and for all telemetric data process running in different working stations (ING’s). ING Applications oriented to the use, process and analysis of the telemetric data. Has three main categories: - Tele-Monitoring Applications: telemetry allows the Tele-Monitoring of data and systems in a way that we defined as (Deferred Real Time). This implies that any kind of data such mimics, histograms, dynamic data tables, etc that can be monitored on board in “ Real Time ” can be also monitored at shore in basis of telemetric data also in “ Real Time ” if ship-shore communication whose permanent, but it will be delayed-monitored if ship-shore communication whose Non-Permanent. - Engineering Calculations: telemetric data, permanently remains in SRV and thus constitutes an historical data base appropriated for the detailed analysis of the running of systems and subsystems in any previous interval, and also for statistics, specific performance studies, mal functions, incident alarms, etc. - Expert Engineering Applications: One of main objectives intended on designing and developing the IASCON.TLX was to get a useful Pro-active Maintenance Tool of the different systems and subsystems on board the ships. The available data is used in the Integrated Automatization System without any need for additional instrumentation. Telemetry allow to establish state variables and functions based on empirical correlations between the received “ real time ” running system values. The comparison between the state and condition values and the theoretical model based on experience and previous modelling allows the detection of anomalies, anticipated failure prediction and maintenance requirements. ( Expert System ) RESULTS, DISCUSSIONS AND APPLICATIONS IASCON. TLX system consists in a software divided in three main blocks: ATD, SRV & ING. Fig.4 Curves SHIPYARD