Weekly Reminders – Bring notebooks daily; grammar quiz next Thursday Objectives: Correct run-on sentences; collaborate with peers Directions: Copy and fix the sentences with a comma, period, or a semicolon. 1. Our car died this morning we had to take the bus. 2. I can't believe it is 2nd Quarter already did you go for pizza this weekend. 3. Since it is a holiday tomorrow I hope to do something fun. Bell Ringer: Monday, November 10, 2014
Semi-colons are used in two situations: 1. To connect two independent clauses (example: I love my Uncle Ralph; he has the best stamp collection.). 2. When listing items with descriptions (example: When I went around the world, I traveled to Athens, Greece; London, England; and Tokyo, Japan.). Your name “Grammar Matters!” Notes on Semicolon Usage 11/10/14
Only use a semi-colon with two independent clauses when you believe those clauses have an important relationship. Do not over-use semi-colons; your college professors (and teachers) will hate you. Important Notes
1. My favorite foods include cheeseburgers, olives, and sardines. 2. Laura knows how to dance. I can’t wait to go salsa with her. 3. My family includes Sam, my older sister, Beth, my mom, and Frank, my dad. 4. I’m going to France this summer. I’m hungry for lunch. Would you use a semi-colon in these examples? Why or why not? We are doing this slide together, so you don’t need to copy these examples unless you want to.
Write three of your own sentences with semi-colons.
Bell Ringer: Wednesday, November 14, 2014
Weekly Reminders – Bring notebooks daily; grammar quiz next Thursday Objectives: Properly use semi-colons; comprehend text with peers Directions: Copy each sentence and decide if and where semi- colons should be used. 1. Jake started at Columbia this fall the basement became an art studio. 2. Roslyn has been practicing driving since she will turn sixteen in February. 3. Three places I would love to visit are: Seville, Spain, Marrakech, Morocco, and Mumbai, India. Bell Ringer: Wednesday, November 12, 2014
A few important points to understand: Prison alone did not “save” Malcolm. The reading selection from the midterm may have oversimplified this understanding. During prison, Malcolm met Bimbi who introduced him (along with some of his brothers and sisters) to the Nation of Islam. This quest for knowledge is what makes Malcolm rediscover reading. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Objectives: Write a cohesive paragraph; comprehend text Directions: Write a paragraph (three sentences) about what you’ll be doing this weekend. Make sure to use at least one semi-colon and no comma-splices or run-ons. Bell Ringer: Friday, November 14, 2014
Questions: How does Malcolm X change in prison? Why does Malcolm X trust Bimbi? How is Malcolm’s education in prison different from his education before prison? (Give three examples) How is the movie different from the book? (Give three examples) Malcolm X: Movie Clips
Objectives: Directions: Fix the sentences below. 1. One of those girls are a great dancer she take ballet lessons. 2. I like Miley Cyrus, a teen icon, Lady Gaga, a pop culture icon, and Katy Perry, the singer of “Roar”. 3. Me and John has to go to the library I can’t wait to take a nap later. Next week: