Photo Album Photos Run 1904 Sgt. Bilko & Stir “Popeye the Sailor Millington Reserve, Karrinyup PS: On the blustery coldest night of the year so far, who could have thought a pair of derelict hares such as Bilko & Stir left over from yesteryear, could have put on such a decent run, way too much pizza, and put on such a funny act with the subject being the GM himself portrayed as yesteryear’s classic animated Popeye the Sailor Man and his Love Olive Oil with Spinach. Stand-in Cameraman Voodoo did his best with mobile phone to capture some of the “Act of the year so far” as well as the pride in Mausei who managed to achieve both 300 Runs with Hamersley + oldest Pensioner to do so all on the same night. And as we ran past dearly departed JK’s house we said “G’day” to Millie near Millington Oval– lots of sentiment there too.