Hooray! I’m going to the Children’s Museum of Findlay today! It will be so much FUN!
When I get to the Museum, I will have to wait at the front desk until the adult with me checks us in. The Museum has many different areas or exhibits to see. Other adults and kids may be at the Museum too.
The Museum has important RULES that I have to follow : 1. I will use my walking feet – no running. 2. I must stay with the adult who is with me. 3. I need to take turns with other children – share. 4. I will use my helping hands and return toys to where they belong when I am done playing.
This map of the Children’s Museum can help to guide my visit.
My first stop might be at the car repair shop. I can pretend to drive the big car, or I can even use tools to repair the car. There are also small cars I can drive around the pretend road in the Museum.
At the Children’s Museum, I can pretend to be a banker. I can work as a teller or even be the bank’s manager.
At the recycling area, I can sort discs and put them inside the matching area of the truck. The recycling truck has a working conveyor and will drop my discs from the back of the truck. It also has working lights just like a real truck! If the truck is too loud or the lights are too bright, I can turn the truck off.
There is a firehouse at the Museum where I can learn how to escape from a fire and pretend to be a real firefighter too! The fire truck has red flashing lights and there are real firefighter uniforms. If the lights are too bright or the alarm sound is too loud, they can be turned off.
At the Gilbane exhibit, there are Legos and K’nex to build with. Also, I can imagine I am a construction worker with tools, a crane, and a concrete truck.
At the McCall’s Exhibit, I can build a waterfall just like this one. Everything I need is in the pictures below! If I need help, I can ask the adult with me.
OR… I could build a train engine. Everything I need to build it is in the pictures below!
Infant and Child Play Area This space has a table with a train set on top of it. There are bird houses with plush birds inside. I will also find blocks and a soft padded area to play on.
There is a special area in the Museum where I can sit down and read books. I can read on my own or have the adult with me read to me. Reading is so much fun!
I can be an artist! At the Awakening Minds art area, I can draw pictures with colored pencils, crayons or markers.
Bug and Snake Lab In the bug and snake lab, I can see and learn about bugs, moths, butterflies and snakes. The Museum has two real, live snakes! The snakes are named Millou and Stella. They are nice snakes, and enjoy when kids visit them at the Museum.
The National Lime and Stone area looks like a real stone quarry inside. This exhibit has a quarry with small rocks in it. I can use the machines to dig for or haul stone.
I can farm at the Museum in the Findlay Implement exhibit. There is a field with real dirt in it. I can pretend to plant crops with the tractors and farm equipment or pick vegetables from the garden!
I can pretend to be a dentist or a patient at the dentist’s office. Open wide!
This exhibit is the market. It is just like a real grocery store. I can shop for different foods with a shopping cart and check out at the cash register. I always look for my favorite fruits and vegetables to buy when I’m there!
At Iggy’s Soft Serve Yogurt, I can put foam shapes into a cup and make a picture just like the one below!
The Museum even has a kitchen I can play in. The kitchen has dishes, pots, pans. and pretend food to play with. I can cook a meal, set the table, or wash the dishes. I hope you’re hungry!
The last area of the Museum has musical instruments. There is a pipe organ and a piano that I can play. I can also put on a puppet show in the Showtime booth; or I can play a game of checkers on the giant checkers board. This area may be loud. I can tell the adult with me if the sounds are too loud for me.
If the Museum is too loud, or I just need some time to myself, I can go to a quiet area away from all of the activity at the Museum. I can sit and relax on a comfortable bean bag.
There is always More to Explore at the Children’s Museum of Findlay! I can play, learn, imagine, and create at my favorite Museum. At the end of my visit, I will say good-bye and follow the directions of the adult who brought me. I can’t wait to come back again!