MAKING GROUP PROJECTS WORK: Communicating, Mediating, and Accomodating
In Defense of Group Projects Students learn best when they are actively involved Students working in small groups learn more and retain it longer Students who work in collaborative groups are often more satisfied with their classes
Definition of Team Projects The focus of this talk is on facilitating team projects, where team = a formal learning group established to complete a specific task over several weeks, such as preparing a report or carrying out a research project. The completion of the group task is integral to the course objectives, and ideally involves solving problems and other learning outcomes identified in the PULs.
Brainstorming Session Brainstorm with those at your table: What are the common student concerns about group work? What are the common faculty concerns about group work?
Incorporating Teams into Your Class Announce the team project on your syllabus so students are aware they will be expected to collaborate on a major assignment Plan ahead to decide –How you will organize students into teams. –How you the groups will operate. –How you evaluate the products of their work.
Design Well-Structured Assignments Create team projects that require interdependence: each member is responsible to and dependent on the others Set up the work so that students must divide the labor fairly and equally Formulate meaningful assignments that require students to reach consensus Make sure team members know their responsibilities
Making Groups Work on a Commuter Campus Devote a portion of class time to teamwork. Suggest to students that if they work together productively between classes and during class, they will not have to meet face-to-face outside of class. Make sure students have a plan for communicating between classes; Oncourse works great for this: Mail, Group Space, and Discussion Forum facilitate team projects.
Making Groups Work, continued Ask each group to devise an action plan and a schedule. Require groups to send you progress reports at regular intervals Check in with teams in between progress reports Roam the room during in-class work sessions to troubleshoot problems and offer advice
Ensuring that Individual Students Meet Course Objectives Require teams to divide up each task as equally as possible: avoid allowing one student to do one major task, another to do something else. Require students to submit their portion of each assignment along with the final team product. Each student must demonstrate they have developed the ability to meet the course goals.
Assigning Grades Have students complete an interim team assessment and a final team assessment in which they rank their own contributions and each team member’s contributions. Assign all team members the same grade on the project, but consider lowering the grade if team assessments provide substantial evidence of non-compliance with team policies and procedures or failure to contribute the expected work.
Explain How Team Projects Will Be Evaluated Explain the objectives of the project, paper, or lab, defining relevant concepts Explain grading criteria Discuss responsibilities of individual team members Overview grade penalties for “shirkers”
Team policies and procedures: How will the team manage conflict and disagreements? (Is conflict a bad thing?) How will members notify the team of an absence? Where and when will teams post drafts so others can access them? How will teams deal with tardiness?