> Maintaining the Focus Student Achievement Teacher Effectiveness Principal Effectiveness State Assessments College and Career Ready Standards Accountability and Support 2
> IU Regional Representatives Provide first-line support and leadership to IU Points of Contact through regular communications Attend planning meeting(s) (typically monthly webinars) and provide input for the design and content of training sessions – e.g., onsite training sessions for member schools, breakout sessions to be held at the SAS Institute. Assist PDE in forming content teams to develop new projects for Algebra I, Biology, and Literature. 3
> IU Regional Representatives Coordinate a network to oversee effective implementation of PBAs Troubleshoot PBA implementation and communicate with PDE as to necessary changes, refinements, etc. Assist in the recruitment of statewide PBA evaluators, and participate as members of the scoring panel on a voluntary, limited basis. Assist in recruitment, development of training, and training of statewide PBA evaluators 4
> IU Points of Contact Assist LEAs as they enroll students in PBAs and work through the PBA process Participate in and recruit content area experts in the development of additional projects in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Evaluate newly developed projects to assess content quality alignment with Eligible Content, access for ELLs, special populations, etc. Schedule informational sessions to communicate Chapter 4 regulations regarding Keystone Exam PBA implementation with respective LEAs 5
> IU Points of Contact Assist in PBA implementation via first line contact with LEAs Assist LEAs as they enroll students in PBAs and work through the process Gather feedback from LEAs re: troubleshooting PBA implementation; communicate with PDE as to recommended changes, refinements, etc. Participate in the development of scoring protocols and participate as members of the scoring panel on a voluntary, limited basis. Assist in recruitment of statewide PBA evaluators Develop and deliver statewide training for evaluators 6
> In the Queue 7 16 Biology Projects 12 Algebra Projects 0 Literature Projects
> Contact these schools! Avonworth HS Bloomsburg HS Boyertown Area Senior HS Central York HS Chartiers Valley HS Conestoga Valley Sr HS Council Rock HS South Dallas Senior HS Derry Area Sr HS Donegal Sr HS Hershey HS Hollidaysburg Area Jr/Sr HS Littlestown Sr HS Mars HS McCaskey Campus Midd-West HS Solanco HS Troy Area Sr HS Tulpehocken Jr/Sr HS Whitehall HS Williams Valley Jr/Sr HS Wissahickon Sr HS Wyoming Area Sec Center 8
> Remote Access Pilot 9 Requirements: Virtual Platform External Webcam Code of Conduct Remote Monitoring Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
> Planned Upgrades 10 PBA results available for Test Coordinators Access to transfer students Notification of a completed evaluation Batch registration Answer keys for Tutors Recorded Tutor webinars PBA ID system Access to student passwords by TA Messaging System Scoring guide for Evaluators
> Evaluator Update 11 Training for biology evaluators this week Online PD course ready to launch
> Questions for Consideration 12 Principals say, “Project Based Assessments are challenging and will only be accomplished by students that are just not passing the Keystone.” What about students who opt out of Keystones and do not want to take the PBA? When does remediation occur?
> Questions for Consideration 13 How long does it take to complete a module? How does the PBA impact the SPP? What if a student retakes the KE while completing a PBA?
> Questions for Consideration 14 Will the novels and short stories, etc., be provided online or does the LEA need to provide them? How about resources in the room while students are working? Can a student use the internet?
> IEP Issues 15 Are there ways to have students go right to the PBA without being penalized? What language is recommended to be used in the IEP if the IEP team is recommending waiving the Keystone Exam and PBA requirement for graduation purposes and where in the IEP would this be written? Will a school be penalized for graduating too many students on IEP goals?
> IEP Issues 16 What accommodations are allowable during the PBA process (tutoring versus actual testing)? Can a tutor/test administrator enter a student’s answers online when the student is utilizing paper and pencil? Would this need to be documented in an IEP?
> Remediation Opportunities 17 Enrolled in a separate course (credit or non- credit) to provide supplemental instruction; moved to PBA after second attempt Enrolled in PBA if student schedule permits a study hall opening. Implemented within a course and all students assigned an individual project either district made or PBA.
> Remediation Opportunities 18 Embedded in course – all students in a project orientation – either teacher made or PBA Assigned PBA during a homeroom or flex period After school Summer school
> Waiver 19 A chief school administrator, in his sole discretion, may waive the requirements…on a case-by-case basis for good cause. Waivers may be granted…to accommodate a student who experiences extenuating circumstances (including serious illness, death in immediate family, family emergency, frequent transfers in schools or transfer from an out-of-State school in grade 12).
> Transcript 20 The information presented on a transcript must include the highest performance level demonstrated by a student on the associated Keystone Exam, validated local assessment or project-based assessment at the time the transcript is produced.
> From IU3 21 Project Based Assessments Key Points
> Questions... 22
> Next Webinar March 2 11:30 – 12:30 23
> Thank you! Jean Dyszel