6/9/2015 The Maryland Emergency Management Agency Richard Muth, Executive Director Richard Muth, Executive Director
6/9/2015 The Maryland Emergency Management Agency Libraries are in important resource for both emergency manager AND the public during times of distress. Libraries are in important resource for both emergency manager AND the public during times of distress. Libraries are places where the public can go to lean about preparedness or where they can pick up brochures and pamphlets with information about hazards in their community and steps they can take to be ready. Libraries are places where the public can go to lean about preparedness or where they can pick up brochures and pamphlets with information about hazards in their community and steps they can take to be ready.
6/9/2015 The Maryland Emergency Management Agency
6/9/2015 Maryland State Emergency Operations Center
6/9/2015 The Maryland Emergency Management Agency MISSION: To protect lives, property and the environment using an all hazards approach to prevent, prepare, respond, recover and mitigate MISSION: To protect lives, property and the environment using an all hazards approach to prevent, prepare, respond, recover and mitigate
6/9/2015 MEMA History 1949 Maryland Civil Defense Agency 1949 Maryland Civil Defense Agency –Part of Executive Department –Nuclear Attack 1989 Maryland Emergency Management Agency 1989 Maryland Emergency Management Agency –Part of Maryland Military Department
6/9/2015 MEMA’s Authority Emergency Declaration MEMA coordinates MEMA coordinates Governor Approves Governor Approves Governor’s Emergency Powers Activate the National Guard Activate the National Guard Suspend Statutes Suspend Statutes
6/9/2015 WHAT IS MEMA? It is the State agency charged with protecting the lives and property of Maryland citizens We use an integrated and coordinated program of awareness, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery
6/9/2015 MEMA provides coordination, assistance and communications capabilities to local jurisdictions. MEMA provides coordination, assistance and communications capabilities to local jurisdictions. WHAT IS MEMA? WHAT IS MEMA?
6/9/2015 Exercise and Training Program Grant Management Program Liaison to DHS and FEMA Operate the Emergency Operations Center Oversee WebEOC, our web-based emergency management software Coordinate mitigation efforts What We Do What We Do
6/9/2015 STATE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 25 Local Emergency Operations Ctr. Contiguous States / Dist. of Columbia 30+ State Departments/Agencies Aging Agriculture Assessments & Taxation Attorney General Budget & Management Business & Economic Development Comptroller Education Energy Administration Environment Fire Marshal Fire Service General Services Health & Mental Hygiene Housing & Community Development Human Resources Institute for Emergency Medical Services System Information Technology Insurance Administration Juvenile Justice Labor, Licensing & Regulation Military Department Natural Resources Personnel Planning Public Safety & Correctional Services Public Service Commission Secretary of State State Police Transportation Treasurer Governor 14 Federal And Private Organizations American Red Cross Army Corps of Engineers Civil Air Patrol Constellation Energy Emergency Communications Committee Federal Emergency Management Agency National Weather Service News Media Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Power Plants U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Department of Agriculture Verizon VOAD State Emergency Operations Ctr. (EOC) 26 Local Emergency Operations Ctr. Contiguous States / Washington, DC EMAC States
6/9/2015 Maryland Joint Operations Center (MJOC) The MJOC is a collaborative effort between MEMA and the Maryland Department of the Military Staffed by National Guardsmen and Emergency Management professionals and is thought to be the first joint civilian-military watch center in the nation. Functions as the State’s center for emergency related communications, information coordination and resource management. 24/7 operation that supports state and local partners for a timely response to emergency situations
6/9/2015 Preparedness MEMA’s Preparedness All Hazard Planning State Emergency Operations Core Plan and annexes State Emergency Operations Core Plan and annexes State Departments and Agency Plans and Procedures State Departments and Agency Plans and Procedures Local plans Local plans Mitigation and Recovery Pre – and Post – Disaster Mitigation Grant Programs State and Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Preparation and administration of State recovery activities Long Term Recovery Working Group Coordinate FEMA Public and Individual Assistance Programs
6/9/2015 Regional Program State is divided into Western, Capital, Southern, Central and Eastern Regions Six regional administrators serve as point- of-contact and support local jurisdictions in the field and in local EOCs Regionals provide assistance and coordination in the development and maintenance of emergency management programs
6/9/2015 MEMA’s Exercise & Training Branch MEMA’s Exercise & Training Branch Provides expertise and leadership in the development and sustainability of a focused exercise and training strategy by building and maintaining local and state infrastructure.
6/9/2015 Questions or Comments?
6/9/2015 Maryland Emergency Management Agency Camp Fretterd Military Reservation 5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive Reisterstown, MD MEMA-USA ( )