Air Flow, Humidity and Dust The Fire Marshal The Environment of Care Clinical Quality of Patient Care
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Fire Marshal Air Flow Control as Protection From Spread of Fire Ability to Shut Down Air Handlers Humidity in the OR as a Contributing Cause of Fire (Static Electric Spark) Dust and Dirt on Sprinkler Heads, Fire Detection Equipment
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Environment of Care Air Flow Infection Prevention Negative Air Flow in Dirty Utility Rooms, Certain Isolation Rooms, Housekeeping Closets Positive Air Flow in ORs, Clean Utility Rooms, Procedure Rooms
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Environment of Care (cont.) Humidity OR, Sub-Sterile Areas Citable for Infection Prevention and Fire Safety Common Citation During Summer DOH Surveys
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Environment of Care (cont.) Dust Dust as an Infection Prevention Bellwether Dust on Air Vents, Picture Frames (high dust), TV Sets, Behind Fire Doors, In Patient Rooms, In Lobbies and Waiting Areas, Light Fixtures, Food Preparation Equip., Materials Management Storerooms Impact on Surveyors
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Clinical Patient Care Quality These are Potential Red Flags for Patient Care Quality and Safety Impacts the Need for Surveyors to Dig Deeper
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Clinical Patient Care Quality (cont.) Air Flow Dirty Utility Rooms (Doors Propped Open, Soiled Linen Carts Not Covered) Isolation Rooms OR and Sub-Sterile Areas, Clean Utility Rooms Combustible Materials Storage Areas (O 2, Anesthesia Gases)
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Clinical Patient Care Quality (cont.) Humidity Infection Prevention Wound Healing Supply Storage (Sterile Packs)
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Clinical Patient Care Quality (cont.) Dust Dust In Public Areas (Waiting Rooms, Lobbies) Dust in Patient Rooms, Exam Rooms, ICUs Infection Prevention (C. difficile)
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Questions?
Air Flow, Humidity and Dust Randy Benson Executive Director WHS Healthcare Quality Service